Hello - new member introducing himself - Acid Reflux Support

Acid Reflux Support

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Hello - new member introducing himself

Tango22 profile image
2 Replies

Hi, I found these forums by chance whilst googling for info on reflux and Lansoprazole. I have had acid reflux for many years but it developed into severe acid reflux in December 2021 accompanied by nausea and Dysphagia which was very stressful both physically and mentally - the Dysphagia appears to manifest in a mental manner rather than a physical one. Had a really bad episode of reflux one evening at home with my partner in December 2021 and I pretty much had a panic attack at the same time as I thought I was going to choke to death as I couldn't swallow. She got so worried we called NHS24 but they advised speaking to my GP which I did 2 days later.

GP prescribed 30mg of Lansoprazole per day and sent me for a Gastroscopy which came up fairly clear other than very slight scarring of the tissue in the oesophagus. They took samples to check and all came up clear as far as I know.

Have been on Lansoprazole for the last year and initially it worked very well to alleviate symptoms but now I don't believe it is quite as effective and I still have the odd episode of feeling like I can't swallow correctly nor can I pass wind correctly, it feels trapped all the time, almost like a 'burp' is coming from mid chest area where it feels trapped instead of the 'burp' coming from right down in your stomach area if that makes sense, which is very uncomfortable, though this is not as bad as it was back at the start and it comes and goes.

Starting to impact upon me mentally now, I'm worried to eat in company or go out for meals with friends and family in case I cannot eat properly and get trapped wind/reflux happening and if I do eat in company I always try and eat something which is easy to swallow, I love steak for example but have not had it since last year when this all kicked off. The mental aspect of all of this is very difficult to deal with, I believe when you have an attack it is sometimes very much exacerbated and multiplied by your mind and I have on a number of occasions panicked severely and magnified the problem.

A horrible thing to have to live with. I am aged 50, above average fitness levels I keep fit, eat healthily and I'm a non smoker. When I get really bad reflux I do tend to get stressed easily thinking and worrying about it turning into a really bad attack which compounds things. Hoping I can learn from the shared experiences of others here.

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Tango22 profile image
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2 Replies
ParkSchool5 profile image

Hello, sorry to hear about your problems. I too suffer from Acid reflux, anxiety and difficulty swallowing, especially bread, biscuits etc., which get stuck down below my throat and even a drink doesn't move them. I am sure some of it is psychological, as I tend to tighten (almost close) my throat when I swallow, so the food doesn't go down properly. I have been on Omeprazole for several years but my symptoms have been worse since a gastroscopy two years ago. Nightime reflux is the worst thing. Despite sleeping sitting up, I wake every morning with a burnt throat. I am due to have a barium swallow next week. It's good news that your Gastroscopy results were good, that should help your anxiety. I know what you mean about the wind and belching. Socialising is difficult and the more you worry about it, the worse it gets! Perhaps you could try some breathing exercises, or you could look to purchase an Iqoro device from Sweden. I purchased one about 18 months ago, but did not persevere with it as it gave me some pain in the sternum area, but it may be suitable for you, it seems to have some good reviews. Good luck, hope you can resolve your problems soon.

special26 profile image

Ah bless you..I sympathise alot with your symptoms.

I was told I had acid reflux with IBS.. And currently waiting for a scan.. To see if there anything else affecting my digestive system..

I was put on PPI over Christmas but I couldn't take as had so many side effects it was worth taking.. So I now self manage my attacks with Gaviscon Advance.. A warm heat pad and warm water to make my pains lesser...

Iam on a gluten free fod map diet.. Of which iam seeing a bit of difference but I do miss red meat steaks and pork I seem to only eat chicken and fish with sweet potatoes... And veg... I love the occasional glass or wine but I do know within a hour or so I will be grabbing the gaviscon so I take it out with me in case I have. A attack.. Not nice..

So hopefully you will feel better soon.. But it's a case of trial and error with your body and cutting out certain foods and I even made a food diary to lessen my bad days and attacks..

Hope that helps

Take care

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