Had my endoscopy today, and the surgeon did a stretch, but said he didn't think that was the problem and is referring me to a 'Swallow Therapist' didn't know they had them, she will watch as I have another barium swallow xray, and hopefully will come up with a solution. At least I can relax now I know there is no sinister reason for the coughing.
Coughing when eating follow up - Oesophageal & Gas...
Coughing when eating follow up

That sounds like progress doesn't it! And perhaps being more relaxed about things might help anyway. I do hope it gets solved, and we would be interested to hear how you get on.
Hi yorkshire rose,
I had this treatment last year, had the swallow test & they discovered the problem was further down. Gave me a balloon stretch which did the trick until now. Went for my check up yesterday & they have advised that I need another, but it certainly helped me for 12 months. Not too pleasant an experience but it certainly sorted my problem out. My problem wasn't the same as yours though, I couldn't eat much without being sick, which unfortunately has started again.
Best of luck, hoping yours is as successful as mine was.
Thanks Jan, although my surgeon did a stretch yeasterday he said he didn't think that was my problem, for some reason food sticks at the same point and backs up then I cough and like you usually throw up. I don't want to go back to liquidising food but I don't cough with soft food. My surgeon is determined to get to the bottom of it, so hopefully all will be well.
Good luck to you on your journey
Edwina x
Hi yorkshirerose, sounds like you have a really good surgeon, good luck in finding the problem.
Worry is always a big problem post op, as we know when there is a problem but its getting others to understand how we feel.
Keep your moral up and take each new day, day by day.
Thanks Mick. I have to say I have an absolutely brillient surgeon who listens, and doesn't fob me off
You are right too about the worry, I never had any health problems before this now every ache or pain sends the mind into overdrive. But I am a positive person, most of the time, so onwards and upwards.
It is trying to get confidence again in your body, isn't it! You will get just as many aches and niggles as anybody else, and perhaps more than average, but it does not mean that the cancer is recurring each time! The longer you have after the surgery, the more these things fall into perspective.
Yes, I am sure you are right Alan, every day is a step closer to feeling like the old me x
Hi Edwina
I have just found your post, i too am having trouble with coughing when eating, my surgeon just said its the muscle reacting to the food now that i have no valve at the top of my stomach....didnt recommend any treatment etc it does put me off eating some days
hope you got sorted and are now eating a lot better
Hi Marg
I have had my cough investigate by several departments ending in ENT and the consultant thinks it is sensitive scar tissue and will hopefully get better, and I have to say 10 months on I dont seem to be coughing quite as much, in fact I can eat some meals now without coughing at all.
It does getter easier Marg, you are still at quite and early stage in your recovery, so keep taking those little steps and you will get there
Edwina xxxxxx