A bad mix of reflux and HP - recent o... - Oesophageal & Gas...

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A bad mix of reflux and HP - recent ongoing issues

Zee84 profile image
7 Replies

Hi there, I am the new addition to the community!

To make long story short(er) - One day I started to have this sensation of something stuck in my throat, this was end of May. Visited A&E and I was told it was a scratch by some food and it should go away itself. Well, it did not. After few weeks of not knowing what exactly was happening, I finally got the answer, it was reflux. I even had to run to hospital with incredible chest discomfort where they ruled out this was cardiac issue and I was prescribed Omeprazole. Later one, as I keep insisting that I am not feeling any better, my stool test showed Helicobacter Pylori and I was also given 7 days 2 types of antibiotics which was a relief with my throat pain/swallowing. Even spoke to ENT doctor ( over the phone, due to to COVID madness ) ensuring me I should stick to 2x day Omeprazole and 2x Gaviscon, telling me there is nothing sinister happening in my body. Also got Sterimar Congestion Relief spray as I mentioned a mucus down my throat. 2 weeks after ( now ) I was advised to decrease Omeprazole 1x a day. Since then few other issues arose: 1. Headaches, usually at the back of my skull, it feels like a pressure. 2. Joint pain, my muscles are sore ( legs, feet ). 3. My eyesight got worsen for a week, I had blurry vision, sensibility to light, tiredness. Visited optometrist for an eye test and all was good. For few weeks I did not feel reflux returning although I stick to Omeprazole 1 a day as per GP's advice. Could this somehow be connected to my headaches? Is this aftermath effect of taking antibiotics for HP? ( Metronizadole & Clarithromycin ) Or simply should I try and stop taking Omeprazole for good as I haven't got reflux symptoms anymore. Got blood tests done twice already, all was fine. Many thanks!

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7 Replies
Emmaya27 profile image

Hi, i would carrying on taking the omperazole until your doctor states otherwise. I took omperazole that was meant to be prescribed for 8 weeks but after 3 weeks I felt fine, so I decided to just stop taking them. Then it all started up again (acid reflux in throat, chest errosions/pains etc) decided to just take gaviscon advance but that was only just a short relief. So when I rang the doctors I was told to start taking the omperazole again! As i didnt give it chance to properly work. So they told me to take them for 8 weeks again. Im now just on my 8th week and been told to take one every other day to ween off them and hoping this time its gone. Hope this helps i felt the same as you did

Emmaya27 profile image
Emmaya27 in reply to Emmaya27

also I have headaches on and off whilst taking them, but that would be due to the side effects of the tablets. I'd rather that the pain I was getting in my chest and throat!

Zee84 profile image
Zee84 in reply to Emmaya27

Thanks Emmaya 27!Did you also have these horrible, sleepless nights? I was nearly losing my mind! :( Started with Omeprazole on 8th June and I don't remember having headaches whilst taking them back then. It only started recently. Ironically, the antibiotics for my infection worked after 3 days and my throat felt much better right away, so not sure what was bigger issue - reflex or HP! :( Also have Gaviscon which I take 30 mins after a meal, this was ENT's advice. And each time I think the headache is coming, I am prescribed a codeine to numb it. This, however I try to minimise - last thing I need is addiction to codeine!

Emmaya27 profile image
Emmaya27 in reply to Zee84

Yes i had so many sleepless nights I lost count, and the sofa was my new bed for months sleeping sitting up, as soon as I layed down it would all start back up again! I now have a wedge pillow on the bed that helps! I also rushed to hospital same as you with bad chest pains (I thought i was also having a heart attack) turns out it was a panic attack from the pains in my chest triggering it off, had all cardiac tests done same as you did and I was prescribed omperazole too. My headaches wasn't at the start either it happened the last few weeks on and off, I just use the 4head stick when they come on it tends to soothe the headaches. Hope you feel better soon, its awful I know!

Zee84 profile image
Zee84 in reply to Emmaya27

I am not gonna lie, the worst months in my life! How long you are tackling with this then? My saga continues! Developed vaginal thrush, my Gp reckons this is an aftermath of taking antibiotics and very common reaction. Hence, it could easily affect my eyesight, cause headaches and even brain fog. Had zero concentration lately! You mentioned panic attacks, been there, done that! I dont even google things on internet anymore, everything leads to worst case scenarios. Mistake made, few weeks of sleepless nights thanks to reflux and plus anxiety on top of it. That did not help the illness. Got sertraline to cope with but never took it. Today no headaches shockingly. Applied the cream and pill on my bits down there, let's hope for the best! Try to sleep elevated position...throat is much better but definitely not gone!! Mornings and evenings are the worst! Hope this gets sorted for both of us soon!

Emmaya27 profile image
Emmaya27 in reply to Zee84

I've had problems since August but not knowing what it was until March when it got worse. I still get bad days but nothing as bad as it was before. Taking the omperazole every other day from beginning of this week I can tell a bit of difference but they do say that you can get withdrawals so I'm hoping the problems go away as time goes on, if gets worse it will be another call to the doctors! Mines worse at night times especially when I want to go to sleep its like it knows lol. I know what you mean I was terrible at googling everything that was wrong with me worst thing I could have done! I convinced myself I had other symptons by reading the worst case scenarios lol. Looks like you have a right variety of things, i feel for you!!


Zee84, I have GERD and so far have not gotten bad enough to need anything more than OTC meds. I also have an autoimmune disease called Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) .

PMR is an inflammatory disorder that causes widespread aching, stiffness and flu-like symptoms. It is more common in women than men and is seen more often in Caucasians than other races. It typically develops by age 70 and is rarely seen in people younger than 40. You describe the kind of aches that come with PMR.

There is another, very closely related condition (GCA) that can cause sudden permanent blindness. Headache like what you describe can be a prelude to visual distortions that can lead to blindness.

You might want to visit the HU forum devoted to the subject.


I hope I am way wrong! Best of luck!

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