Since summer 2017 I've been dealing with excess mucus that causes breathlessness or wheezing until I'm able to get relief by coughing it out.
It happens after eating or after exercise, or even lying down. I've changed my diet to a healthier one and for the last two months have stuck to greens, fish, chicken, eggs, carrots, avocados and whole grain rice cakes, but I still have symptoms.
It's embarrassing to be short of breath and needing to hack up mucus at inconvenient times. This definitely decreases the quality of life by making me alter what I do and when.
I've had blood work, a CT scan, an upper endoscopy, and a spirometry test which all came back normal (with the exception of a slightly elevated MCH level.
I'm sure doctor's think I'm crazy, but they're not seeing me when I'm done eating or trying to walk around the block.
My mucus can be blood-tinged.
What other tests should I be doing? Should I be focusing on a pulmonologist or an ENT?