So I'm currently eating about 1000 calories a day. I've asked a doctor, neurologist and dietician what to do. None of them have anything to offer me.The neurologist said I should just eat more but with my stomach I cannot. The doctor said she doesn't have anything to offer me. And the dietician recommended nutrition drinks. I also asked a doctor to consult a gastroenterologist and based on what info the doctor said she didn't recommend a feeding tube. I'm not sure what the doctor said to her since her reply was that I could eat normally. I can but not just enough..
I am struggling a lot to drink the nutrition drinks and I feel only slightly better with them since they don't bring up my calorie intake that much.
Every one of them is against a feeding tube. So I'm a bit lost. I have my first gastro appointment coming up but it is a month away and then I have to wait for tests.. And even after the tests I have to wait and see do they have anything to offer me..
I'm struggling to go and do anything... I'm feeling kind of weak, tired, fatigued, having trouble thinking and talking sometimes etc..
PS. I am a bigger sized person, but according to the doctor it's most likely because my bad nutrition situation has been going on for years (it is worse now than before).
Does anyone have any advice on what to do?