Hi, I am new here from Canada. I had esophogus cancer at the junction of the stomach. I had chemo & radiation treatment following surgery last July 2019. Stomach was used to reconstrut part of esophogus, some of it damaged by radiation, and remaining was removed. I am trying to gain some weight as it is difficult. When I do eat, I get abdominal pain. Does this pain go away with time? What do people take for this abdominal pain? I also passing lots of gas. Does anyone have suggestions to increase weight? I eat lots of protein but I have trouble with calories intake (sweets).
Gastrectomy - abdominal pain after ea... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Gastrectomy - abdominal pain after eating

Hi, I am 10 months post surgery. Canadian but live in Australia.
I had a lot of complications and spent 57 days in ICU.
It does get better with time.
Try to change from eating meals to grazing all the time. A few bites every 20-30 minutes. It takes getting used to but it really helps.
Raw vegetables really bother me and nuts. Cooked veggies are fine. I wish you well.
Hi, thank you for your experience and suggestions. I have been taking metonia tablets before meals to help me with my nausea which happens at times. I do graze but not every 30 minutes which I will try. I will eventually try the CBD oil too as well. Have you gain any weight from taking CBD oil?
CBD has given me more of an appetite. I have gained a couple of kilos in a few months since being on it. It is also helping with my back pain. I had a very bad back from the operation and being in ICU for so long.
Hi, when did you start using CBD oil and did your doctor recommend it?
I started it about 6 months ago. I had to push my doctor to prescribe it for me because it is not legalised in Australia like it is in Canada. The doctors here do not understand the benefits it provides. It has provided me with quality of life where I could not lift my head off the table before I was so nauseous. I had never smoked, drank or used CBD prior to this but it has saved me.
Also as you live in Canada you should try CBD oil. I take it daily to help with my nausea and to increase appetite.
Hi there,
Early days still ,check portion sizes . Eating too much at one meal can cause pain. It is like weaning a child onto food. Graze and snack and eat child size portions. I cant eat full fat like milk, yoguart,ice cream and fatty meat as it gives me dumping. I snack on cheese crackers, nuts crisps. its trial and error i’m afraid.
You get all sorts of pains as the body is still learning to eat,process and heal.
do you still take any PPI’S? I take Lansoprazole, gaviscon, creon and Sucralfate. Sucralfate helps with the gas. We don’t get CBD oil in England.
Best Wishes
Welcome to the little and often club. Without a stomach you have very limited capacity and if overfilled this might be the cause of the pain. Try full cream yoghurts, scrambled eggs, fish pie in small amounts but also plenty of fibre to ensure you don’t get blocked up. I am one year earlier than you and have put on weight. It’s a learning process and everyone different. Good luck. Tanktank
Hi it's much better to eat little and often. You need to add calories to food. You can fortify milk by adding powdered milk to milk and use it to make puddings etc, add cheese to vegetables and mash , make veggie mash with cream and butter. Have a little lunchbox and keep it with you, have snacks in there, like cheese cubes, biscuits, chocolate, little youghurts (not low fat) I make lemon posset, mainly because I like it and it's a calorie rich dessert. Make dressings to go on salads and sauces with cream for meals, I make a masala cream sauce to go with livers or kidneys on toast it's a small meal but the sauce bumps the calories up, cooking juices, a good slug of masala wine, ad a knob of butter and some cream, reduce to desired thickness , you can make a cream sauce with mustard, lemon, any alcohol, herbs, fruit purees, or add cream to a mix of mushrooms and onions, with a bit of cubed chicken, a couple of spoons on toast and it's a nice quick thing, I also make cabbage with butter, bacon and onion, and have some with grated cheese on top just a tea plate portion but a few times a day.
It's a slow process putting weight on, you have to put some fat on before you can put any muscle on and eating big meals just overloads the gut.
Good luck Lizzy
You have heard from the best, I can't add much except to reiterate the CBD oil for appetite.
I had the same illness and had chemo surgery chemo, I had the feeding tube in for four months, it took me a long time to get back to eating normally, about 12 months, but I gradually got back to my pre illness weight after about 3 years.
You are not far enough away from your op in my opinion
Keep positive, don't give up
Hi from Central Scotland
A lot of really helpful information has been offered
I would add a suggestion that for weight you also have a bowl of chocolates/ nibbles/ cheese cubes / nuts/ beside your chair and make certain you have something at least once an hour all day
It honestly mounts up
Also try nut butters on hot buttered toast/ a slice of cake or chocolate biscuit with a cup of tea/ half a pint of Guinness AFTER lunch
You get the idea
Basically always think when you ho to have a meal stop and think what can I add to this for caloriess my husband had the same op as you in May and is currently also struggling with weight
Best wishes for you on your journey
Thank you sincerely for your great suggestions . I do nibble quite a bit and I do not burn much calories in a day. I dont stress on the weight issue any longer as I do my best. I am glad that I am still alive.
My husband was operated mid september, and in the early days it really is painful to eat. what really helped him around week 8 post op was perscrition of Creon capsules, as these help immensely with enzymes to break down fats and proteins. Talk to your medical team about it in your next visit.

Thank you . I will inquire with the doctor.
I was prescribed an appetite stimulant called Megestrol Acetate.
I am two years out from my esophagectomy and I have gained about 35 lbs since Chemo/Radiation and surgery. This medicine has certainly helped. Besides stimulating my appetite, it helped calm and get rid of some nausea that was also killing my appetite.
Hi, thank you for your suggestion. What side effects have you had in taking your recommended medication besides gaining weight and stopping nausea?
Hi from Atlanta.
It is a liquid , not bad mint tasting, and I have had zero side effects taking the Megestrol.
Recently I started retaking it occasionally in the am when I find my appetite off for a few days. It works that very day . I don’t know if you have a little nausea, but it really calmed that and helped me eat better.
Give it a try. It is an easy fix for lack of appetite.