My mum got told last night her cancer in the oesophagus has come back also spread to the liver and breast … has anyone had this sort of thing happen and went on years still ?
Help please : My mum got told last... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Help please

Sorry to hear that keep us informed we have to keep fighting this nasty disease ❤️🤞🙏
Very sorry to hear this, there are lots of survivors on here that have had cancer return. Still fighting
Agree with Janashlin, plenty of people who are still around.
I assume the docs are thinking chemo + immunotherapy. There have been good advances recently in this regard. My best wishes to your mum.
Understand, docs will advise on options and ultimately she'll decide. Treatments and options are improving regularly. Immuno wasn't even an option 2 years ago for this cancer, Wishing her well...
Immunotherapy is a drug designed to activate your body's immune system to help identify and attack cancer. Different drugs can be used based on tumour type and related intel, the doc should recommend next gen sequencing to help with this, if not done already. The great thing is immuno generally doesn't have the same bad side effects of chemo. Worth doing a google search on things like 'checkpoint inhibitors'. Fingers crossed for you guys.
Really sorry to hear this. I hope your mum is able to have some positive treatment. Thinking of you both
Sorry,I had the same thing in 2010,had chemo,and surgery 4 months later and made it.Sepitic infection almost did me in but I made it.Sometimes prayer is the best thing.All the best.
It’s not that black and white. The checkmate study showed immuno is almost always beneficial in these cases. Though some countries establish criteria for its use including CPS score etc. please keep us posted
Can I ask why?
The cancer nurse said they send off 3 markers and 2 are back still waiting on the third to come back … But the cancer is in 3 different places not sure if that makes a difference
So sorry to hear this. Sending positive thoughts to you and your mum . Hoping they have some treatment for her.
So sorry to hear that xx

Just find it hard to believe that we are in the 21st century and we don’t have a cure for cancer … we can go to the moon and back but we can’t cure cancer
So sorry to hear this, its so cruel when they cant find treatment’s to help. The same thing happened yo my hubby 😪 if there was more follow ups and scans after surgery then i think that treatment could be started alot quicker, perhaps when its only spread to 1 new area and atleast it would give people a-lot longer. I never felt monitoring was enough, regular follow ip scans are what is needed. Xx
There’s always surprises with the varied twist and turns this disease’s recovery path.
My husband was diagnosed with secondary cancer to various organs and parts of his body in Dec 2021.
Was treated with several painful radiation sessions and chemo immunotherapy. Unfortunately this ‘amazing’ pretty new chemo therapy didn't work for my husband so had to stop treatment.
He had since been hospitalised for 3 months to manage his pain. It was just too horrible to watch him in pain, unable to swallow (digestive track narrowing) and constantly coughing and vomiting when eating tiny morsels of puree food or even a sip of water. thick gooey phlegm.
Past 2 days he was vomiting very dark/black phlegmy stuff. Possible internal bleeding. Doc stopped all oral medication and no oral food either. When he exerts a little, he would cough and vomit. Always experiencing pain.
Today is the darkest day in our lives. Having fought this battle for 2 1/2 years, he has been admitted to Palliative Care weighing 47 kg (from 78 kg after IL surgery on 2/7/2020.
It is so cruel that I am not allowed to stay overnight to care for him. This is do wrong to ket my husband face his nights on his own from 8:00pm till 12:00 noon the next day.
If the hospital can allow me to care for him overnight; how much more important to be with the dying partner in palliative care?
I don’t know what tomorrow holds, don’t even want to close my eyes to sleep.
That’s terrible i know how you feel and I am bracing me self for the same thing x
My husband lose his battle with this horrible disease on Wednesday 22/6/2022 after 2.5 years of pain and suffering. He was only 63.
IL surgery (on 2/7/2020) and recovery for first 18 months seemed encouraging and hopeful.
However, the cancer metastasised to all over his body in Dec 2021. Chemoimmuno therapy didn’t work so he had many rounds of painful radiation sessions to help manage his pain.
His tumour markers showed rapid growth and continued to spread all over his body: C4 T7 T12, T14, sacrum (spine), shoulders, left arm, lung, old oesophagus site, pelvis, bones, etc. basically spread throughout his body.
Last days he was coughing blood with even the smallest sip of ice chips.
It breaks my heart to see how much suffering he had endured while being so positive and courageous through it all.
So happy for him that he is no long suffering this horrible horrible disease.
I have just gone through this with my husband who sadly lost his battle on 26th June ,2 years after diagnosis. He’s final days were at home where we were supported with hospice at home care. 2 awful years, watching him suffer rounds of chemo and the massive operation-why can’t they find another treatment other than chemo?!!
My mum had chemo and the massive operation 4 years ago and now it’s back … just not fair is it