I have never been able to burp properly, the only time i burp is when i'm being sick or gagging when brushing my teeth. My throat makes weird noises and it feels like my stomach is empty and there is a stabbing pain inside it. It got to the stage that my throat and ears were burning - i then started taking omeprazole, which has been a life saver if i'm honest.
I have been tested for acid reflux which came by negative (which i couldn't believe) and i have been for an endoscopy which showed a small hiatus hernia but doctors said its nothing to worry about.
I am at the stage where i need to take omeprazole for rest of my life. i have stopped having fizzy drinks and spicy foods and try minimize how much alcohol, coffee, citrus fruits etc i eat but if i stop taking omperazole for a couple of days the pain comes back. I have been reading a lot of negative reviews on long term effects of omeprazole which i have been on for about 5 years now.
The doctors are telling me i do not have acid refulx but they do not know what is wrong me with. I am trying to find anyone who has had similar issues really.