Hello! I am 24 years old. I have this bumps on my throat. I feel NO pain. But there is a 'something stuck in my throat sensation' and it gets worse every night. Sometimes, i burp frequently when I try to clear my throat (sometimes it is forced burp). I attached a photo of my throat and I hope you will help me.
Bumps in my throat, no pain. - Oesophageal & Gas...
Bumps in my throat, no pain.

Sorry to hear this it could be a variety of things but you need to go to your GP and get him to look at it. If you do not have a GP then go to the accident and emergency dept if your nearest hospital . It looks like a minor throat infection but best to check it out.
I cannot help from the picture - somebody medically qualified might be able to. There is something called a 'bolus' sensation which you might be suffering from, but the only way of sorting it out is to go and see a doctor.
As it seems to be worse at night, it might be because of reflux seeping up from your stomach. So try sleeping on your left side with your head raised and take Gaviscon (from the chemist) before you go to bed. If this improves things it might indicate that you have a problem with reflux. The doctor might then put you on a short course of acid-suppressing medication to see if this helps the underlying cause of the reflux/burping to get resolved. If not then it is important to try and diagnose what the underlying cause may be.
You might also think about whether you have a healthy diet or not. Try drinking just water and avoid spicy food for a few days and see whether that improves things.
But this is all non-qualified speculation, and you should see your doctor if the problem persists.

Thank you so much. I alwats check on the internet before going to a doctor. This may be sound pathetic but consultation here in our place is quite expensive. So I guess I really have to go to the gp. Thank you!
Is it improved? I have the same problem