Hiya, my partner (age 33) was diagnosed with a T2 N0 adenocarinoma in March this year, he has had 6 weeks of chemo and had the Ivor Lewis surgery on 30th July. He initially made good progress at home and was managing small meals however he then developed terrible nausea and retching, the only substance he brings up when retching is a clear saliva. Due to the ongoing nausea he is finding it difficult to eat and drink anything. He has had repeat CT scans and gastroscopy which have all
been fine. He is on lots of anti emetics and did have a couple of days of feeling ok and being able to drink again but now back to square one with the retching and secretions.
He luckily still has a PEJ tube in so the dietician is arranging a feed for us to have at home. I wondered if this was a common issue with anyone post Ivor Lewis and if anyone can offer any help or advice? Or just to put my mind at ease. Thankyou.