My partner is 10 months post Ivor Lewis. Generally doing well. For the past 4 months he's had a cough particularly when eating. This has recently worsened & he is coughing up pink frothy sputum in a morning. Anyone else developed this?
10 months post Ivor Lewis developed c... - Oesophageal & Gas...
10 months post Ivor Lewis developed cough & frothy pink sputum

No. I'd get to a GP ASAP i suspect.
I have the same problem, as do many others. My concern is that you say it is pink. This needs a GP. I suggest you take a sample along. Is he aspiring reflux in the night. This can cause damage and needs to be addressed.
Can you give a more detailed description of the sputum, please?
If, despite the colour pink, it is very thick almost gelatinous but sparkling clear and with small dispersed bubbles then this is the anti-acid mucous secreted as normal protection by what remains of the former stomach wall; as used in the reconstruction of the oesophagus. This is not dangerous. But you want to avoid inhaling it into the lungs which is why your sleeping arrangements are of critical importance. Pneumonia is a real possibility.
However the pink coloration is worrying -- is it uniform and even or striated, perhaps with clots?
Check that the colour could not be down to some medication (pill coating) or food stuff.
It may indicate a bleed somewhere, conceivably coughing has strained the sutures of the anastomosis,where the pulled up stomach tube is joined to the remaining stump of the oesophagus. This warrants immediate investigation at your specialist hospital.
If not the above IE it is frothy as opposed to jelly-like then it's origin may be the lungs which is equally concerning given the battering which they endured during the Ivor Lewis procedure. Is he running a fever? Has he received the pneumococcal vaccination?
It was slightly frothy & pale pink. It only happened once, he was checked over and they put it down to coughing hes been having recently. It's not occurred since so hopefully just abit of trauma from the cough. He's apyrexial at present, no shortness of breath or wheeze noted.
Hi Laurat03
Great news.
You might want to see this for future reference: