I have managed to control the bad mood and bad obsessing thoughts and now the enemy is the bad habits, the social media and smart phone addiction. Sounds funny, sounds easy peasy but for me is the new evil, I suppose my strong OCD is severely involved into this...
OCD and bad habits : I have managed to control... - OCD Support
OCD Support
OCD and bad habits
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As a person who suffers OCD I strongly recommend you to seek for therapists with experience in people dealing with OCD and able to apply CBT. If I'm not mistaken, I believe with "bad habits" you are referring to compulsions, in other words, doing things that deep inside we really don't want to do, but we can't stop them from doing. I can guarantee you CBT will provide you tools to stop yourself from putting into practice those bad habits or at least reduce significantly the amount of time you apply them. It doesn't sound easy, I know, and that is why it so important that you find the right therapist that can give you the guide and support that you need during that process. Please remember, you don't have to deal with the monster living inside your head and the complusions on your own as it will cause you unnecesary suffering. Trust me, there are people outside there with the qualifications and will to help.