hello everyone iam 23 yo and new here. there is a question that i wanted to talk about for almost two years.
iam very social awkward and extremly senestive to social interactions, maybe beacuse every social interaction i just embrassing my self even move then last time and starting to giving up "Subconsciously". By Extremly Senestive i mean, when ever i talk to people and i need to maintain eye contact to not make a fool outofmyself i become really nervous, like really Nervous! and the harder i try to fight it,, the nervous i become, and then i cant handle my face expression, i mean i feel like i have "sad" face expression maybe beacuse i feel overhelmed idk ,that started two year ago, and i really need your guys help to try to understand what is wrong with me.. i have hard times explain my self since i was young, if you have questions go ahead...