Hi, 2 years ago I came to this platform to ask for help for my OCD. I’ve struggled with OCD and Emetophobia (fear of being sick) since I could remember. So having said that here’s an OCD update:
Around a year after I posted I managed to kick out the OCD with help from my family, boyfriend and the removal of people and places who made me especially unsafe- I had struggled especially with these places and people. Thankfully, my OCD is nearly completely gone with only a few avoidance behaviours and some compulsions on bad days. I’m approaching what I call my OCD day on July 13th marking 2 years since I’ve been sick (if you have OCD you would know that marked days like this one can be very difficult to deal with). I’m glad to say that I’m handling it very well with only a slight bit of anxiousness.
However, on a slightly sadder note, I have realised my OCD was a coping mechanism to what I would discover was intense anxiety. Soon after removing the OCD ‘security’ I found myself defenceless from protecting myself from becoming unwell. In the last few months I have been having very frequent panic attacks, constant nausea and fear and sleeping problems. Sadly I’ve found myself wishing back the days of my OCD and having a level of protection from the idea of being sick.
I’m really finding it difficult to cope with this at the moment. I’m writing this article at past midnight while I’m worrying about being sick even though I know I’m just hungry, haha! This is a great example of how my anxiety is controlling me at the moment, I can’t recognise my natural body reaction from illness. This is not typical of me as I pride myself as being very body aware and cautious in the past- I used to know exactly what was going on in my body all the time and how to fix it. However recently I have been struggling to differentiate between for example being hungry or feeling nauseous. I have already seen a GP about it but they seemed to see a teenage girl being anxious and dusting it under the carpet. If anyone has any experience with this during OCD recovery, I could really use the help. Thank you x.