Hi i am a female who as you may know a month ago turned 19
I’ve been having troubles lately
And i havent been feeling good which i do deserve
I havent gone to the Dr since october because i am scared of what he will tell me
I am scared he will cancel my ocd diagnosis and tell me i actually am a pedophile
Because of stuff i have done like watching the video i mentioned in my last post, and also because i remember watching amateur porn videos Which makes me doubt that maybe they were teenagers and i don’t remember
I am scared about this
I am also scared about this: what if i actually searched for amateur teen videos?
What if i actually intentionally searched for these videos
I am not sure i cant remember and this makes me feel like a piece of garbage
What if i intentionally searched underage videos
I never searched for “underage videos” but what if i actually searched for teen videos
I don’t remember and i dont want to it makes me feel bad and sick
There was also this video where an old guy was with this younger girl and it said teenager in the description and i clicked on it
At first nothing happened and then i fast forward the video to see more and then i felt bad and i clicked out of the video so basically i didn’t see anything happening but that was my intention at first even though it said she was a teen
I didnt saw this videos in online porn pages i saw them in a social media platform, twitter which makes it worse because everybody can upload anything there
What if i actually saw underage people?
I am also scared because of this that i am going to tell you
I was in the cinema when i saw my aunt tickling my cousin. When i remembered i once was tickling that same cousin and she didn’t wanted me to and i still did even though she didn’t wanted to be touched
Maybe i did it to bother her or maybe it bothered me that she didn’t wanted me to tickle her so i did it anyway
And i don’t mean the kind of tickles that make you laugh but the ones that make you sleepy and relaxed
I didn’t touch her somewhere innapropiate i would never do NEVER
I cant remember when did this happened. I don’t know if i was 18 or younger i just cant remember and i don’t want to.
i feel bad and embarrassed and scared and ashamed and a monster and hopeless
Im scared that i did damage to my cousin i love her so freakin much
I didn’t do it with malice not to traumatize her or something like that and i don’t think i did it with a sexual intention or something like that
But now im scared i did
Not because she has shown signs or anything because we have a really good relationship we have been playing and laughing together
But what if i scar her for life?
I dont know what to do i would never harm her and it hurts me to think that i did maybe
I mean who in her right mind would do this stuff
Who would be doubting if they are or not pedophiles?
What if i actually intentionally searched for this teen videos? And i dont remeber
What if i did damage to my little cousin because i am a sicko
What am i gonna do? What? Who am i?
Am i this perverted person?
Am i a pedophile?