After 18 months of serious training and weight loss (9 stone off so far), my PT introduced me to yoga. OMG the first time I was able to do dolphin on the wall I felt so empowered, even if I'm over 50. Now working on the crow, cant quite get it but I will eventually.
Inversions: After 18 months of serious... - Nutrition and Yog...
What an exciting transformation you're on. You have literally been shedding layers. And surely emotional layers too. Well done for meeting the challenge and allowing yourself to be strong. Wonderful that yoga has sung to you and come to help you in your own discovery. Bakasana (crow) is a combination of trust and upper body and core strength along with some hip mobility. Don't let age be a block for you. My strongest private client is in her 60s and my Mom is late 70s (she was a yoga teacher when I was growing up so it was in the DNA as I have been teaching yoga for 8 years!) If you familiarise yourself more with the mula bandha and uddiyana bandha - these power centres will help you feel stronger in crow. You might like to have a play with this shorter vid focussing on upper body strength. Engage the lower abs, so you really round in and feel your centre as you bear down into your hands in crow. And breathe deep. Look up not down and have fun!
Very best,