In 1992, there was an award given to a certain molecule.
And the award goes to.........NITRIC OXIDE.
We are designed to breathe though the nose, with the mouth as an emergency back up. Within our own nose - there lives the nasal concha. So the air we breathe can turbinate and this is the action that increases levels of nitric oxide (NO).
Why is this important? Because NO is a key vasodilator. So important in the regulation of healthy blood pressure for one thing. And also in our clarity of thought. Insufficient oxygen and NO will result in cognitive decline.
Rising link between sleep apnoea and dementia as an example.
So, don't be a mouth breather (in case you have watched Stranger Things!).
Mouth softly sealed, inhaling evenly in and out through the nose.
The brain learns through repetition so be kind in changing habits.