When the book written by palliative care nurse Bronnie Ware came about, she titled it Regrets of the Dying. This is powerful stuff. How much are you truly living your life? One of the top regrets was neglecting friendships. One of the key drivers I see of isolation is the wide use of mobile phones and devices. These have been a key driver of disconnection. Look around on trains and buses and even people walking down the street, people are increasingly fixated by these things. Look carefully at your use of these devices and how much they are driving isolation into your relationships and families and how you are modelling acceptable behaviour for your children. Have large periods of time each day when you are not using them and not distracted by them. Their use is addictive which is why people get so attached to them. Also bear in mind that water is a key conductor. Therefore pregnant women need to be especially careful in their use and certainly avoid them near the growing baby - which is full of water with the amniotic fluid. This intensifies the electro magnetic frequencies received.
Additionally their use is strongly linked to raised cortisol levels, one of your stress response hormones. You are promoting an inner stressful environment by using these and exposing yourself to excessive levels of radiation. Definitely switch the WiFI off when you sleep.