I know: Interesting news by NRAS, one in three people... - NRAS


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allanah profile image
23 Replies

Interesting news by NRAS, one in three people with RA have falls! Too late I find out the hard way !

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allanah profile image
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23 Replies

Hi Alllanah, Yes i know i have also experienced falls the last on was a few weeks ago and it really hurt after landing on my swollen painful hands so totally sympathise with you on your falls. I am now going to physio to be sorted out with some walking aids on Thursday 18th so hope fully will prevent this happening due to a weak knee. Hope you have recovered now and on the mend soft hugs . Lena xx:)

in reply to

sorry meant to say due to weak knees. lol

Fidget02 profile image

Hope you are ok.

So embarrassing when you fall isn't it!

I am fortunate I have a huge bottom to take the impact!


watson3 profile image

Oh no not again???????

Need to put you on a bungee rope...

Not out of the caravan again! Agree with watson3 bungee rope required! Hope your not too badly hurt. xx

allanah profile image

Lol no! No falls this weekend, learned to come out backwards and leave my crutches outside!! However bungee jumping sounds fun, painful but fun!! Had a nice weekend but the disabled toilet was at the bottom of a steep hill would u believe lol so feet and hips and legs killing but the physio will be pleased I tried!!!

No just NRAS put up an article about RA and falls, they sas they r mainly preventable! Yep I will have to stop being a clumsy oaf lol xx

sylvi profile image

Hope you haven't hurt yourself too badly. I dread falling over with my new knee in case i hurt myself. I have been lucky so far. Love sylvia.xxx

allanah profile image

Yea I agree, on a serious note I really really worry about going out and only go if I have help or know there will be people there to help. I use crutches etc but I still manage to fall and when I do it's much more painful with the RA, so therefore that in turn heightens my anxiety about getting outside and going too far! Vicious circle really . Talked with the physio about it and get the usual reply when ur RA is more controlled you will feel better, come on then, it's been two years now, getting sick of waiting lol! but of course Humira number 2 on Thursday , I felt so much better for about a week after the first one so here's hoping. And the Nras article about the research on falls and RA is on their site, nras.org , with even the founder saying she worries about falling as she had her wrists fused. So not only me then , have a fall free day, unless of course u r planning a parachute jump for Nras!! Xxx

in reply to allanah

you really are hillarious allanah, my husband has got to the point now when he says are you reading allanahs blogg? he knows i'm always laughing when i read yours. Just remember to take it easy and no rushing, maybe bungee cord might be handy? lol !! You really do bring out the funny side in everyone just the tonic. big hugs lena xxx :))

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

Aww thanks babes! Wish my hubby found me hilarious, I have a reputation with him , my two boys and my daughter of never being able to tell a joke! HAAA I have proof now xxx

allypal profile image

Luckily I have only fallen at home so far. Unfortunately, I am unable to get up once I'm down, and living alone makes that a slight problem. The first time I fell on the way to the bathroom around midnight, and despite my best efforts, I was still there 2.30 the next afternoon, having wet myself at least twice during that time. Fortunately my son happened to visit (with his own key to get in) and with struggle managed to get me up, and I was able to shower, and he made sure I ate. Last time, his fiancee had to call the out of hours team for a non emergency ambulance for help to get me up. It doesn't help that I am practically 6 foot tall and overweight, though I have lost 4 stone since last summer, but I still can't get myself up due to bad hands, wrists, shoulders etc.

I never go out alone anyway, due to agoraphobia, but the thought of falling in a supermarket and the embarrassment, and spectacle it would cause (not to mention pain!) fills me with dread. I'm even feeling bad just writing about it!

Ally x

in reply to allypal

Hi ally, poor you , i couldnt imagine having to do what you had to do it must have been so awful for you lying there all that time and no one to help you. Can you not get a wait for it...... zimmer frame (sorry if this isnt the right name for it ) at least you could push it along and would be more steardy for you to walk with at home? Its just a thought. I hope you dont have any more falls. I too worry about falling and have done a few weeks ago at home on my swollen painful hands and wrists but luckily for me my hubby was there and got me back up as i too wouldnt be able to get back up. I dont go any where to far on my own for fear of falling due to weak knees. I will go to the supermarket up the road but by car and i hang on to a trolley but i only go out for about half an hour just to fetch some milk and the paper it just gets me out a bit so i dont get so anxious when i do go out further a field with my hubby. As i was starting to get panic attacks as i hadnt been out since december up untill a few weeks ago. But i am a little better now after a steroid injection i had a few weeks ago, although it hasnt worked as good as last time i still get out i force myself although i do travel alot by car and then its only to places i know very well. I think embarrassment has a big part to play in us falling, as well as the pain so i totally agree. Dont feel bad we all feel like this at times you are not on your own we understand . I hope you have better days and get some pain relief hugs lena xx :)) Allanahs idea of a fall team seems like a good idea could you not get this installed? x

allanah profile image

Exactly! It can be a huge problem. My mother in law got help from the fall team who installed a lifeline system in her home so she pressed the button for help on her falls. But I really would hate to have agrophobia as I love outdoors, I am the opposite I can't even mange mri scans due to claustrophobia! We are all different, that what makes us interesting, but can u imagine us both in a supermarket!!!!!! Maybe not lol xx

allanah profile image

Exactly! It can be a huge problem. My mother in law got help from the fall team who installed a lifeline system in her home so she pressed the button for help on her falls. But I really would hate to have agrophobia as I love outdoors, I am the opposite I can't even mange mri scans due to claustrophobia! We are all different, that what makes us interesting, but can u imagine us both in a supermarket!!!!!! Maybe not lol xx

allanah profile image

Sorry ipad trouble again!

sheenerweener profile image

hi allanah i not having falls but i really not wanting to go out alone incase i do fall,my hips are so painfull,i have osteopath once a week but only get pain relief for about 2 days so i try to fit everything into those 2 days then when pain comes back i tend to stay indoors,bit worrying really as i meant to be starting college on friday!!!!and i having mri in may!!! keep getting outdoors while u can xxx

allanah profile image

Wow college! Brilliant! Glad the osteopath helping you even if only short term. But don't you worry about your MRI, I am definitely the exeption to the rule, people are normally in and out all day lol!!

Hope college goes well xx

allanah profile image

Wow college! Brilliant! Glad the osteopath helping you even if only short term. But don't you worry about your MRI, I am definitely the exeption to the rule, people are normally in and out all day lol!!

Hope college goes well xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to allanah

Blooming iPad!

lorann profile image

Wow, this topic caught my eye! I am so afraid of falling, since I've had Vestibular burn out, causing no sense of balance, though I do usually know when I am falling, but too late to try to stop it! So, last Friday, I walked into my room, the computer corner, with my walker, parked it to step one step over to the office chair, caught the tip of my shoe on the plastic floor protector, and knew I was going down. Slowly and softly, but still I was down there, landing on my left forearm and elbow, jolting the heck out of my shoulder with the torn rotator cuff! OMG! I was afraid I would have to call my son to help me get up, but then thought, no way, can't bother him, he is busy with his patients that morning. So, I assessed the situation, didn't feel anything hurt, except the shoulder, so tried to get up, grabbing hold of the bedspread, to get up on two artificial knees. Didn't work at all. After several other trys, thinking maybe I should crawl out to the recliner in the living room, but ha, that would require getting up on the aforementioned knees. Finally found the low frame of the bed was sturdy enough, got up on my kneeds and then I was up! My shoulder has not been so happy ever since, but I am nursing it. So, Ally, Allanah, Sheener and Sylvie, Hang on, getting up is NOT easy, nor pretty!! Loret xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to lorann

Oh lloret that sounds horrid. I for one blame your gorgeous Frenchman. You really do have to stop throwing yourself at his feet! Lol. Glad u got up with all your sore bits. But maybe chuck away the floor protector, I would defo fall over it!

I can't get up or kneel either at least having an audience for my fall was an advantage although embarrassing!!

Hope your poor shoulder feels better soon, you might manage a lovely shoulder Rubin you are lucky xxxxxx

lorann profile image

LOL! Allanah, you are almost right, I was on my way to the computer to meet him on Instant Message. Thank heavens he wasn't there yet, I was early for our date.

My dear Frenchman, unbelievably, has been in an unbelievable situation. The Friday before Easter, he was checking into the airport in London for his return trip, and they told him he had to pay a fine, or bill or some such thing, since he had had to overstay his Visa while waiting for that piece of faulty equipment to be made and ready for use by March. Then of course, he had to finsih the project and have it inspected before the company would pay him. He had designed a transformer to convert solar power to electricity, to be used in remote areas in countries without much electricity. So, he's all done, all is working, he's at the airport and they tell him he can't go until he pays 840 lbs sterling!

Easter weekend was so sad and depressing for us, we had planned to go to Church on Easter Sunday together, and be thankful for the blessings we felt for having found each other.

Well, a temporary delay while he arranges his funds, but it has been disappointing.

The floor protector is so I can roll my office chair back and fortth, the carpet is too heavy to do it easily. What is a lovely shoulder Rubin ? :) Cheers, Loret xxx

allanah profile image

Doh having loads of ipad trouble today! It should have been just a lovely shoulder rub!! Shame about your man having to stay to finish work, but even worse you couldn't have Easter together, but summer is eventually gonna come here , trees still bare would u believe!! So hugs to you and your poorly bits xxx :)

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