Has anyone else been taking Tramadol long term?
I have been given Tramadol for pain for a very long t... - NRAS
I have been given Tramadol for pain for a very long time. Am worried I am addicted. I have other disabilities as well as RA.

Hi there,
I have been taking paracetamol and codeine, in various forms for longer than I care to remember, and find I take more when I need it, and less when I dont. I suppose I could say I needed them, but through experience and finding supporting drugs that work, I honestly don't think it's addiction, just a necessary evil. Perhaps a chat with your doctors would put your mind at ease. take care.

I agree with only taking medication when needed. The pain clinic told me to take pain killing tablets regularly but I am not happy doing this. Thanks for the contact. Take care too.
agree with chubby x
Hi W,
I think this is very brave of you to worry about ur usage of Tramadol and question what is happening to you. Various things will point you in the direction of getting your answer. Do u use more than your allowed dose each day. Do you feel the tablets"just don't work any more" , are u always running Out of them and need more, has your doc refused you more tramadol. Also are you avoiding social situations or getting less worried about things like personal care? Are you actually trying to deny your need for the drug? Only you can be honest with yourself about the answers to these questions.
If you think that there is a problem you should see your GP and be honest with them too, if the answers are no I don't think I am addicted then you need to see the doc about pain relief or alternative therapies to ease your pains such as seeing the chronic pain clinics.
There is also lots of help online too for you to look at ie NHS direct.
Whatever it sounds as though you could do with some help from your GP and I hope you get sorted soon and feel better. ThInking of you Axx
Thank you for your response to my question. I certainly do not take the full dose, usually half the recommended dose, unless I am having a really bad day. I will be seeing my GP soon, but I have been advised before that I need the medication.
So it sounds that then you have answered your question! I suspect then you are not having your full recommended dose of tramadol, therefore you aren't getting the full benefit of the drug!
So to answer your own question it doesn't really sound as though your worry about addiction is correct, but it sounds like seeing your GP will help you with your pain. We take so many types of pain relief and meds sometimes I feel like I'm rattling too but as you say I do need the pain relief to ease the pain and the way it works best is to take it regularly.
Having RA is bad and must be worse with the other disabilities that you talk about and that is why I think it's great on here where you can ask questions and get support, maybe your GP will be able to get you more help such as physio, hydrotherapy and OT , these really helped my pain levels.
Hope u feeling better soon xxx
I have been taking tramadol and dihydrocodeine for nearly 2 years now for knee and back pain. I have spoken to both my GP and Rheumy and both said `You need the pain relief, don't worry'.
If I am ever able to come off these painkillers I will deal with any addiction then, in the meantime they provide the best pain relief for me - even better than morphine after my knee replacement!

Hi Whitworth
As Allanah has said, it doesn't sound like addiction from what you've said on here, but I'm not sure what it was that was making you concerned that you might be addicted, so if you are still worried it is obviously good to talk to your doctor about your concerns, but you would also be welcome to call the helpline if you wanted to talk it through with us first.
The NRAS Helpline is available Mon-Fri 9.30-4.30 on 0800 298 7650.
Kind regards
Victoria (NRAS Helpline)
I don't think Tramadol is addictive the way narcotic pain killers are addictive. Also, some of the side effects mentioned in the drug descriptions are pretty nice. Tramadol is sometimes used to ween people off of anti-depressants because of its mild mood elevation properties. It is also an appetite suppressant, which may be a good thing for you (it is for me). I love it, don't take the max recommended dose ever, but, it doesn't touch the pain caused when I'm having a severe flair. So it's very good, but not perfect.
Of course, for some people Tramadol doesn't do anything, I'm one of the lucky ones where it works for me.
I am addicted to my pain relief tablets Codeine/paracetamol 30/500.I have been on them over 6 years now.I take the maximum dose but don't get the same effect I had at the beginning.Also if I try not to take any I have withdrawl symptoms (restlessness,insomnia,feel like I'm climbing the walls etc) I know I need to take these for the pain,they just take the edge off it now,but wish I didn't have to rely on them.Also a few times I have taken more then the prescribed dose.You are right to be worried about addiction as it doesn't take long to become addicted.Speak to your GP who can advise you.