does any body experience dehydration while taking sul... - NRAS


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does any body experience dehydration while taking sulfasalasine

10 Replies
10 Replies
Belle76 profile image

Yes I did but did not realised how much I needed a drink all the time until I was taken off them. I was on them for 12 years so it was a long time

in reply to Belle76

ok thanks are you on something else now



I found that I couldn't drink enough but I think it was my body trying to get rid of it. I was taken off them after my first fortnightly blood test as it upset my liver function.

Is this a new symptom, if so might b worth getting second opinion from nurse specialist.

Hi thanks for your reply.been on sulfaz now for about 6/7 yeares works very well for me just found lately that i get quite dehydrated easily.just had a flare up and had a couple off steroid injections so back to see consultant soon will mention it



Belle76 profile image

Hi yes I'm now on leflumide and these upset my stomach, so hoping to change again. I was taken off in April 2012 due to high mcv numbers. They have come down now but not all the way so I might go back on them,(the hospital said)

earthwitch profile image

They do say to make sure you drink plenty of water when you are taking SSZ. Its partly because that helps you excrete the byproducts of it quickly (so it doesn't cause problems with your liver, etc), but I guess would also help with avoiding dehydration.

I find the easiest way to drink more is to fill up a couple of sports water bottles and have one with me all the time. I try and get through one 500 ml bottle before lunch time (in addiition to morning tea drinks) and another bottle as an extra during the afternoon, on top of what I would have normally had to drink. Somehow it doesn't seem as hard to drink that bit extra if you are just taking a sip every now and then.

Hi there, just started on Sulfa last week (already on mtx) so I'm not much use to you. But just wondering how you knew you were dehydrated?

Luce x

waking up in the night with my tongue stuck to the top of my mouth.drinking about 2 pints of water

cavatina profile image

Just about to go on Sulfaserazine.. The above was helpful - thanks a lot. Any more tips anyone? I had to come off Methotrex. as it was making me very breathless.

minka profile image

i had all the skin peal on my hands with this thought it was somting in the gloves i had bought

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