I hate R.A.: I've come to the conclusion i hate ra... - NRAS


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I hate R.A.

sylvi profile image
21 Replies

I've come to the conclusion i hate ra,because i find myself losing me, does that make sense to anybody. I have paced yesterday and took it easy between jobs,but it didn't make any difference. My knees still ache. Mind you its my right knee which is causing most concern,but come the new year i'm going to push to find out whats wrong with it.I hsve a feeling it might be the ligaments again,but i'm not sure.

I have a lovely bruise on my left knee where i tried to bring a small fridge into the house,its one of those little one that you store drinks,very light,just awkward. I did some help with it. Then after a rest i have taken down curtains in the hall to replace them with some fresh ones. They were easy enough to do stood on a little step that i have to stand on.

My fingers are not a lot better. I have been downstairs all night. I managed to get to sleep while my two were at tattoo in brum. I woke when they came in and after ovaltine i couldn't get comfy. I did get some sleep and hubby got some rest which if i had stayed in bed he wouldn't get.

He thinks i'm doing too much, wrong things like hanging curtains. But i can't expect him to do all the jobs and like LL said they don't always do them like i do. He is a wonderful man and i couldn't cope this disease without him. My daughter gets frustrated with me too because when i want something done i want it done today not next week.

Its pouring with rain here this afternoon so that might be adding to my woes.

I have spoke to my son todayand he has sent me photos of his trip to mayan ruins which are lovely. When i get into my library i will share them with you all.

Sylvi. xx

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sylvi profile image
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21 Replies
sylvi profile image

This is the ruins he visited. sylvi

Och Sylvi you do sound as though you are pushing yourself again - i am like you when i want something done, i want it done now. Also i do feel that i cannot burden my husband with more than he already does. I am taking things very easy today due to entertaining yesterday - great fun, glad that i did it but my back and neck feel as though there is a hot poker driving its way through my bones.

in reply to

Oh wow, Mads, You hit the nail on the head! I entertained on Weds, which meant preparing for 2 days before, had a great time and really pleased with my self that the birthday friend loved it all,, but I hardly moved on Thuirs and Fri, only as necessary on Sat., went to the Community Christmas Concert on Sat. evening, Had to rest most of Sunday. Can't seem to get caught up! Not enough rest after doing more than usual. But IT'S CHRISTMAS!

My lower back and Sacro-Iliac joints feel like I've been beaten with a very heavy crow bar. Hadn't thought of the "hot poker" but that would be accurate! :)

julieporter profile image

Oh Sylvia what are you doing moving fridges!!!!

Seriously though i know how you feel.I hate RA too but i'm determined that it's not going to ruin my life-i know it's hard when you're in pain all the time and not sleeping.

Sounds like your son is having a great time seeing the world ,i bet he'll have some stories when he gets home.

Look after yourself

Julie xxxx

sylvi profile image

Ladies it wasn't a big normal sized fridge,just one of those table top ones. Thats why i thought i could move it as it wasn't very big,think i might have wasted my time as it doesn't seem to be working. Poetic justice wouldn't you say. i'm like the fridge not working and useless (just a pun). It's 5.40am and i'm downstairs already. Had a few weird dreams,can't remember what they were though.

Mads i'm glad that you had a lovely day entertaining. What shall we call today, recovery monday, or just stop working day. I have to joke otherwise i would go nuts.

So ladies, i think all i will do today is go out on my scooter depending on the weather that is.

My son sent them through to me yesterday while he was skyping me. My son and i are a lot alike,my daughter is like my hubby,she does have a bit of me in her, as she doesn't suffer fools gladly, she gets very frustrated with me if i try to do things that she thinks i shouldn't. She is a good daughter all said and done and i would kill for my two.

Hope you ladies have slept well when you read this.

Sylvi. xx

in reply to sylvi

:D I haven't gotten to the sleeping yet, but about to. Do you know what the time difference is? I'm guessing atleast 9 hours, but that is only a guess. Could even be 12 hours.

Have a peaceful day, how about a good book and a cup of hot chocolate, or tea? I bought a nifty coffee cup for me today. It's a travel, insulated thermos cup with a lid for drinking, so it keeps the drink hot until it's gone. Lovely.

laney84 profile image

hey sylvi, i totally understand what you mean about losing yourself, i totally have changed 100% since i got sick a year ago-----> its so annoying how it can change everything-how being in pain all day and night can morph everything in your life- family and friends dont understand really so its nice to have this website to listen to other people so i dont crack up listening to myself moaning in my head all day. hope ur knee gets better, have you tried any of the heat/cold packs?? they might help? hope u feel better x

sylvi profile image

Laney, i have a feeling it might be my ligaments,as i had a operation on them last year. Its the knee that has been replaced. Its been nothing but trouble since i had it done. It still hurts but not as bad as yesterday. My fingers are still not very clever either.

I agree about this site,no one tells you off for over doing as they understand where you are coming from. They have all done it at some time or other. No one is codenceding and they don't have this know all attitude either. I think the problem we have is others view of our disease. When you say you have ra, they ask whats that and you mention arthiritus they then so switch off as they think its a simple complaint that can be cured.. The people on here that i have come into contact with have been wonderful. Long may this site continues.

I have cream,sprays,bag of peas,wheat bags. Some work some don't.

Sylvi. xx

Even a table top fridge can be a bit much for arthritic hands!!, I am v careful what I lift weight wise, sometimes other people should do these things.

I thing you are still pushing yourself too sorry.

You are still sylvi!, you havent lost yourself even if you dont do all you used to do xx


sylvi profile image

Alison, i don't do anything at all now. I went to bedworth at lunchtime on my scooter and when i got back i delivered cards round my close. There were more to do on the estate,but i'm not doing them Grace is going to do them for me.

I know i'm doing too much and i don't know how to stop. Until 2yrs ago i had very little problem from my ra. It has all started when i had my knee replaced. I've had ra for between 6-8yrs and i thought if this is how its going to be then i can cope. What a shock i've had since.

I think get xmas out of the way i'm going to look at things that i could do, so if you have any ideas please it would help. I have some scraper foils that i will try and do. I'm not reading at the moment as i can't hold a book and i can't concentrate.

This weather isn't helping me at the moment my hands are sore and hot and itchy. When i go upstairs nthey will go in a sink of cold water.

I will learn one day i hope. Sylvi. xx

julieporter profile image


Just thinking about ideas for you -have you ever considered voluntary work? You are a great listener and very sympathetic to everyone on here...Maybe if you could find something that makes the best use of your talents you might leave fridges and other heavy objects alone !!!

Julie xxx

sylvi profile image

Thats an idea,would i have to go on courses and such like. Its lovelyy that you think that about me,thank you for that. Perhaps i could do that for nras if they would have me. xx

julieporter profile image

Not sure but contact NRAS - i know they run a helpline that's manned by people with RA.There's also loads of info online -google volunteering uk and take your pick

I bet there's loads of charities that would welcome you with open arms!!!

Julie xx

sylvi profile image

Thats nice of you to say so. You have cheered me up with your comments. xxx

Sylvie, Has your Rt. knee been X-rayed since it has been this bad?

sylvi profile image

Yes as a gp in my practise had it x-rayed before he would refer,but my gp won't refer me. He says i've got to live with it. I will wait until after the new year then i will go and see where to go next. I can't do much about it before xmas and to be honest i don't feel up to it as i've had another sleepless night. The weather is dreadful here at the moment and we have more to come.

You feeling ok. xx

in reply to sylvi

Hey! We are awake at the same time! So what time is it there? It is 1:26 am here. I've been hoping to find when you would be here live!

in reply to

For sure, the weather doesn't help! It has been so cold here, too early for that. It was only 17 degrees F. this morning. But, it did get nicer, sunny, but still pretty cold. Just above freezing.

I'm OK, just seems maybe I am not getting rested enough between activities, especially if I need to go out somewhere. But, after the holidays, I know it will get boring.

Talking about exercise, I do like Tai Chi, I can do some of it while at the kitchen sink. :) But just haven't taken time to ride the bike lately. I just hope you get settled soon.

sylvi profile image

6.35am, bike riding i couldn't do that now. When we were young we went every where on bikes. My dad didn't drive and he worked on the railway so if we wanted to go anywhere we either had our bikes or the train. My knee wouldn't let me now and also the roas are so dangerous these days,showing my age now loretta.

You need to rest my rest my friend if you don't you won't be fit for xmas and i'm going to do the same and behave myself,i hope i will give it a good go at least. I've done all i need to do to get the house ready for xmas.

I was in contact with my son last night via skype and i got told of by him for moving the little fridge into the house. So they have all had a go at me to rest.

My knuckles are very sore today. I haven't been sleeping very well just lately,i think the weather has a lot to do with it.


PJ68 profile image

Hi Sylvi

I love your posts, not cos your in pain ( I hate to hear people are sufflering) but because I do things and then suffer - washing the floors are one. I totally get doing things the way we like them done, my husband and daughter are great, but their idea of helping me is telling that the fact the hoover hasn't been used is that they are waiting for me to feel better enough to do it!

Take care, and thanks for giving me hope x

Pen :)

sylvi profile image

your more than welcome,its nice to feel your wanted. My two are great,but at times they don't get what i'm saying. Thats because they can't feel the pain and my need to be useful,which a lot of the time i don't feel due to my condition. They try to do all the work and forget some things just get left out even me at times. Know what i mean. I don't complain as where would i be without them.

We are powerful women and don't forget that either. God only gives what he knows we can cope with. Mind you there days when even i wonder!!!!

Luv. Sylvi. xx

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