NRAS Media request: As part of the media campaign... - NRAS


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NRAS Media request

4 Replies

As part of the media campaign highlighting the importance of early diagnosis i.e. The S Factor Campaign, NRAS require someone who has been fairly recently diagnosed with RA to be interviewed for a Daily Mail article to be published on Tuesday. Yes Tuesday of next week!

Ideally the Daily Mail want someone who although has been recently diagnosed had a struggle to get that diagnosis i.e. did you delay going to see your GP perhaps not identifying the symptoms as possibly serious; did your GP take you seriously?; was there too long a delay from seeing your GP to seeing a rheumatology consultant? Etc.

More than likely it will be a telephone interview but that will be confirmed to person selected and they will probably want a recent photograph of you or they may send a photographer to your home.


Your urgent attention is most appreciated.

4 Replies
Mel_ profile image

Dear Clare,

I'm disappointed to see that no one has replied to this, I'm just hoping that maybe someone has emailed you directly and this opportunity is not going to be missed.

This is an amazing opportunity to educate and help others to understand this much misunderstood condition. I can't really help as I have an amazing doctor who picked up on my RA very quickly and I was therefore referred and started medication promptly; and although sometimes (well a lot of the time) it may not feel like it, I am able to lead a somewhat normal life as a consequence.

If anyone is out there and new to RA and has had a rough ride with diagnoses please do contact Clare, it would be such a shame if no one is able to help.

Regards Mel

in reply to Mel_

Dear Mel

Thank you for your comments and I am delighted that you have experienced good care. I have had many emails from people offering to share their stories of delay in diagnosis and we have yet to hear which story the Daily Mail will be running with. As you can imagine dealing with journalists is never quite straightforward.

The article "should" be in tomorrow if they do run with it.



Maxigirl profile image

Sorry, but I won't be taking part in this. Considering the way The Daily Mail wilfuly misrepresents people with disabilites like RA who have to claim benefits, the Daily Hate Mail will not be getting any help from me.

in reply to Maxigirl


Believe me when we at NRAS have often been exasperated with the coverage in the daily mail especially on getting people's hopes up with stories of "miracle cures" etc which is all the more reason we have to engage with the media to ensure that the "Right" information is relayed and that people are made aware of where help and support is available. It is still not clear which story the paper will run with tomorrow as this is being organised via Arthritis Research UK and we have had many case studies to chose from so look out for tomorrows edition and fingers crossed for some useful messages being published.



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