I have burning on my feet,they feel like walking on very hot sand. thank you.
Feet: I have burning on my feet,they feel like walking... - NRAS

Join mine, when they start burning it's not too long before I am walking on glass! What I try to do now is when they start to burn is sit down with feet up and let them stay that way for a good while before I being to use them again. Sometimes you cannot let them rest.
At the moment I have more problems with my groin area on both sides, which means the hips are playing up, it makes me feel that my whole skeleton is going to give way, a horrible sensation. Lets both sit down for the afternoon and watch a good old fashioned movie that will make you cry and wallow in it. take care xxx
Thats a good idea. I have walked round the village this morning with bob and my leg hurts and my knee has been giving me some gyp,also The top of my leg hurts when i walk. I am a right old thing,my bones need putting in a bag and shook up and i wonder what would come out. xxx
I think I remember telling you about that condition started two summers ago, I was also getting very strong tingling with it as well it was horrible, thats why the Neuro put me on some Meds for that, It comes and Goes now, But My Joints are Getting Sooo Bad in such a Quick time, I am now rubbing Biofreeze or Volterol on Every Joint before Bed, Knees, elbows, ankles, hips, wrists I HATE this I wish You well Sylvia, I can empathize Will keep you in my Prayers xxx
I had a hot burning sensation in feet at the end of my last flare. I had suffered with pain before (well constanly) but this was something else. I honestly couldn't walk properly and found the only way to walk was on the outside of my heels - I looked like charlie chaplin!
When I got home, my feet were right red and so hot to touch and pain was so bad that it made me cry so much I felt physically sick - I didn't know what to do with myself.
Luckily it only lasted about 48 hours - but I will be prepared, should it ever happen again.
Hope yours feel better soon xx
Isn't it amazing how our body goes from bad to worse. I Have a good spell followed by a bad spell. Tonight i don't feel too bad as i bathed washed my hair and i blow dried it as well and for me that is a miracle.xxxx
I last night carefully put one foot at a time in my wax bath. obviuosly it couldnt be on a table !!, and put feet in polybags v nice xx

I'd forgotten about that summer. Mind you with my plates of meat it wouldn't fit in the wax bath.xxx
I get hot swollen feet quiet alot it doesnt last long a day or two, but i want to scratch it as it gets very itchy, im new to this so i really dont have any advice for you, i wish i did, but want you to know that you are not alone x
Sylvie i have problems with feet too, sometimes i feel that they have no protection and i am walking on a hard hot road with no shoes. I have made numerous changes to shoes but nothing helps. I sometimes put them in cold water, it helps a bit but is quite uncomfortable.
yep body are somthing else i get up think ok this feels a lot better no stifness then buy 1 hr it bloody kicks in again
dont mention shoues over the year ive bought loads and they all bloody hurt now
wifes says she is going to take them to rspca shop
now i think reynolds is set in
would sooner have a broken arm you can cope with that its not load bearing
I know what your talkng about john,i have just got back from the drs and he has given me something for the sweating but the ra he says i am taking all they can give me. He said you'll have good and bad days,john at the moment it seems like everyday is a bad day. I feel like giving up. I just want to feel normal is thaqt too much to ask. xx