Here i am sitting here writing this blog having been up since 5.00am. There are times when i can't fathom out whats going on with my body. Had a really good day yesterday,was quite cheerful and relatively happy. Went to sleep about 11.30pm bit uncomfortable but nothing unusual there. Had to go to the loo a couple of times nothing odd about that either. Come 5.00am am awake with no painkillers upstairs. So as i couldn't sleep went down and took the wretched things and then got on my chair and put tv on. I must have fallen asleep about 7-8am can't quite remember.Woke up when i heard hubby moving about upstairs.
I'm not feeling too bad in my head but i am in a bit of pain. My little finger feels like it wants to separate from the rest of my hand and it shakes. My whole right side is in pain,not sure whether its ra/fibro. I'm up one day down the next. I know i will always be in some sort of pain most of the time. I have to really enjoy the good days when they are here and put up with bad ones too.
I've had a play with my scooter and guess what it has a go faster button,i know i'm not safe on a slow speed!!! but at least it will keep me dry. I have to try and inject some humour into my life somehow. I will get Grace to take a fresh photo of me with my painted nails so everyone can see what i do to cheer myself up.I'm a sucker for a man in uniform.
Thanks for listening.