I am on Mtx and Humira injections now for 2 years and only just recently got Oedema (water in the skin swelling) in my calves and ankles following a bad rash across the tops of my feet. I have no idea why i got the rash apart from i did have a couple of spots on my ankles and feet which could have been bites. The rash was itchy and bright red like a burn. I was taken off the Mtx and Humira to get the rash under control and put on 3 lots of antibiotics and 2 courses of water tablets to try and calm down my legs and feet.
It took over 3 weeks to get the rash to calm down and had to go to hospital 4 times to get seen as my legs were so swollen i couldnt walk and i got breathless and very worried. I was checked for DVT and also saw a Vascular surgeon who checked for pulses with an ultrsound machine as he couldnt find pulses in my ankles as they were so swollen!
All in all, nothing has been found so far my calves have gone down quite a bit but only because i bought a circulation booster and have been using that myself at home.
I am still off the drugs as my consultant gave me a steroid injection and said it would last 3 months so i would be fine to wait without the others and they would be in my system for months anyway! I think i noticed the difference within a week. I am now limping again and struggling to hold things again. I have lost my grip in my left hand and feel exhausted all the time. Previous to this i was feeling really well on the drugs i was taking.
I am going to start the drugs again this week as she did say if i was really bad i could start the Humira again and just tell her i had done so as i do not have another appointment with her now until April!!