I have had pain around lower back into groin and legs slightly almost bending me over at times. Asked my wife to rub tiger balm around back and she pointed out worriedly how swollen the area around my left hip is, she was right. This has got me worried on top of every thing else; I was doing more with the children over the weekend may be a result? I was hoping to return to work end of week, GP advised phased return if I was adamant don't know what's going on now.
Really thought I was turning a bend as was feeling my... - NRAS
Really thought I was turning a bend as was feeling my old self full of energy and go then wham so much pain, it's silly and premature.

sorry your not feeling well today maybe you did do too much with children over weekend its tempting to do too much when we are enjoying ourselves if it doesnt improve in next couple of days I think you should go back to gp. You dont want to go back to work too early so you need to take her advice on this. hope you feeling better soon
Just been there as well Saffron, I had a few months of feeling almost normal and then it came creeping back again. When I am overactive i am very sore for a few days (even during my good period) and then it returns to the normal pain - if that makes sense. I usually up the antiinflammatories at such times. Hope the gp can give you some good advice

Yes I hope so to, it's been a up hill struggle for me over the last few years health wise. Had to press my last GP until I got diagnosis so I changed to another one whom so far has been supportive and not just thrown pain killers at me. I realise that I have to get a balance if I'm to manage this better.
Do you get to see your consultant or a rheumy nurse regularly?

I have seen consultant at diagnosis, then Rhuemy nurse to check how meds were going and bloods then nothing until February 13. Mostly see GP but Rhuemy nurse has put in referral to see OH, Physio etc before Christmas. Blood every two weeks at GP surgery and see him once every four weeks or before if needed
Hi Saffron07
I hope your GP was able to advise you. RA can affect any joint in body but is always worth getting things checked out if you experience new or different symptoms, especally if you are concerned. If you are looking at returning to work soon our two work booklets might be useful, these can be downloaded from the website. One booklet is designed specifically to give to your employer to really explain about RA and how it might affect someone in the workplace. The other is for you, and includes information on things like your rights at work and some suggestions of 'reasonable adjustments' your employers may be able to make to help make things a bit easier for you in the workplace.
'I want to work': nras.org.uk/help_for_you/pu...
'Employers Guide': nras.org.uk/help_for_you/pu...
Kind regards
Sarah Kate
Thank you