How to overcome anxiety of RA and all that goes with it? - NRAS


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How to overcome anxiety of RA and all that goes with it?

23 Replies

any tips, I feel a bit bad asking as I am doing well RA wise however I have been having terrible moments of anxiety, almost what I imagine what a panic attack may be like, anything sets it of, guilt, medications and any unknown ache or pain...

thanks :)

23 Replies
fizzy profile image

well, I keep having bouts of emotional crying!! I'm struggling to come to terms with it all, and like you despite not being "that bad".....I suppose both of us are showing signs of stress and inability to accept / cope with whats going on emotionally/psychologically....I'm actually going to see a counsellor, which might also help you, but i have also found help and support from being on here...good luck x

LavendarLady profile image

Hi Wiliby, I think this sort of worry is par for the course with RA. Try not to worry yourself too much over odd aches and pains - could be nothing at all. Anxiety is quite common - a good suggestion from Fizzy of seeing a counsellor who can talk it through and reassure you.

It does take time to "accept" RA if you ever really do - it is 3 1/2 years since I was diagnosed (in fact almost 4 years) and I still feel the urge to say "why me", kick the cat, kill my hubby, run away to sea or go and live as a hermit somewhere. Anywhere where I don't have to see people or interact with them when I am feeling low and miserable.

I know you have a fairly new baby. Have you been checked for post natal depression at all? That could be playing a part as well as it can take many months to overcome if you have had a bad dose of it.

Accept that you will feel like this from time to time - we all do, try to go with the flow and not let things get on top of you, plenty of rest - perhaps try some relaxation tapes/CDs. I have a lovely one I use at night which gets me off to sleep - the sound of the sea. Very soothing.

Hope you will feel better soon. We are all here for you, Love LavendarLady x

Gina_K profile image

Just to add to what lavender lady has said, I have felt all of the above especially at the moment, but I would run away to POrtugal or a GReek island. Except now I always have to think where would I get my HUmira?

My husband said to me the other eve(he just does,nt understand crying) you only have yourself to worry about imagine if the kids were small!

Time will pass and we will all feel better soon, as there is so muchsorrow on hereatthe moment it has got to have be in some way seasonal?


LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to Gina_K

Hi Gina, I think I would probably head to Cyprus and hole up in the mountains! Lavendar

caroline777 profile image
caroline777 in reply to LavendarLady

Oh me too!! Used to stay with friends in Prodromos until they rather selfishly sold their house!! Went 8 years running and loved it. Would that we were there now with all that fresh air.

Caroline xxxxx

I think all off us on here have moments of anxiety, some times it actually comes strangely when we are feeling a liitle better?. as up to then all our energy and emotions have been busy battling with new treatments and pain xx

gosh, everthing you all say makes sense, i'm pretty certain it's not post natal, I did suffer from depression a few years back when I lost my Mum and saw a wonderful counsellor who got me through it, that was horrid but this feels different, I feel quite sick and light headed, a bit panicky, maybe I am a bit depressed!! I did talk to my doctor about it a few weeks back, she agreed that I didn't appear depressed but something not right so asked me to go back to see her, I haven't yet but will do.

Alison, thats so true, makes a lot of sense, I start back to work next week, maybe that will give me something else to take my mind of it all.

Yep, as I typing I'm starting to seems clearer, wow you lot are good!

I'm so thankful for everyone here, I haven't any grandparents, aunts, uncles and don't see my Dad, my brother lives abroad and my sister is busy, we moved to where I live last year and once RA hit I never got a chance to meet new friends really, my poor husband can only take so much so I keep it all in, yes think I need to talk to someone!!!

thanks guys, will ring doctor first thing :) xx

sylvi profile image

When you see ra nurse get them to check for fibromyalgia. I thought i was going mad as i was in so much pain,crying,panic,anxiety,stress i could go on. I was in bed crying with pain when my ra nurse rang me as i'd been ringing the hospital all the time. The upshot was she got me in to see another doctor as mine was on holiday,he did a load of tests on and diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. I am depressed and anxious,but felt brighter when i knew people were listening to me. I'm on another load of drugs to go with the ones for ra. Ring your hospital and see what they say.

Hope you get some answers. Sylvia, xx

in reply to sylvi

thanks Sylvia, not sure whether to mention this an will apologise to anyone offended as I may have done before when I mentioned this...

I was diagnosed 10years ago with fybromyalgia (RA this year) 5 years ago I tried an alternative therapy called 'mickle therapy', now maybe I never actually had fybro in the first place however I can remember only to well the pain and all that you describe, so I had 5 years free of it before being hit with RA. There is a website but they don't disclose any info; my mickle therapsit charged me £60 per session and 3 sessons later I was better, cheap I'd say!!

I have a book that explains the theory, if you would like it Sylvia and you trust I won't stalk you (hehe) then PM me with your address and I will send it to you, just a small booklet but it explains how Dr Mickle came about finding this method (he is local to where I stay) as his wife suffered badly from ME....

I won't be offended if you don't want it, you have enough to cope with at the moment but if you ever do....

Thanks again x

cathie profile image

Hello Wiliby, I hope you're feeling a bit more cheerful this morning. I try to get out when the sun is shining - as now - because of our hours of daylight being diminished. And eat things which are designed to help with this like oily fish if you can. Smoked salmon for breakfast? And laughing. Whatever turns you on - laugh out loud types of things. Laughing is good because it makes you relax.

I think you once said that you were doing tai chi? I do and I find that gives me peace and relaxation. This old RA is a horrible thing and can catch you when you're least expecting it, so you need to store up any thing that makes you feel good to use then.

We went to the coast at the weekend and watched the migrating birds and the twitchers with their huge cameras, and the light was wonderful even though it was a bit overcast. I've tried to upload one or two photos but unfortunately they were too big.

Warm wishes from further south!

Cathie XX

PS. I hope you read my sympathy as taken for granted. Its hard having moved to a new place, especially if you don't know many people. Is there anything you could start going to where you might meet people with similar interests / at a similar stage in life? When I moved here my daughter was the only person I knew and I didn't want to become dependent on her. Art classes fitted my bill, not just because I loved it, but also because I've met some lovely people.

in reply to cathie

Thanks Cathy, that was lovely advice, the support really does help :)

I feel a bit happier today, made my appointment to see the doctor and I went to the gym!!! can't believe I managed but Curves have just opened where I live, I feeel achy but in a good way, feel a bit more 'normal' and realised what a great way to meet people, the instructors are great and RA aware, when I struggled one would come over to make sure I didn't over do it ect....

Would like to see your pictures,what coast? We have gone to north berwick on holiday, loved it, very beautiful.

Smoked salmon for breaky!! haha much better than half a packet of rich teas :) your right though, I am going to try harder at eating better, would love to loose some weight also.

Thanks Cathy x

Ella32 profile image

Hi Wiliby

I have had JCA (really a childs version of RA) since i was 13 (i'm now 31) and i STILL ask 'why me' and 'why not someone else', but i guess the answer is 'why not me' someone's got to have this horrible thing and everyone is a little bit broken ;-)

You've don't have to come to terms with it alone, what you've got to do is realise:

"you can't change your situation, but you can choose how you are going to deal with it".

We're all always here and we all seem to have good days and bad days with our emotions too.

Ella xx

hello Ella,

What a lovely picture of you and your husband, you look stunning :) and of course your husband looks handsome too!

I like your statement above, I'm going to drill that into my head.

I feel so very sad that you (and others) have suffered this as a child, in the last NRAS magazine there was a piece about it, for that reason I decided to do what I can to fundraise for nras in the future.

Thank you Ella, good to share x

cathie profile image

I'll have to email you my pictures of Aberlady because the files are too big to upload to this site! It'll be tomorrow now as I'm off to watch Hidden... can't wait to find out what is going on. Keep well, brilliant about the gym. I had a tai chi lesson and am learning to stand properly on one leg. Not as easy as I thought!


in reply to cathie

I heard of Aberlady, I ask my hubby, he'll remember if we've been that way. There are no Tai chi classes where I live so have to use a dvd, not the same but it'll do, thought I'd be sore today after gym but feeling good :) hehe I couldn't do that move standing on one leg either!

hope you have a lovely weekend, take care x

Judi profile image

Hi, I've had RA for 20 years and I still get the ... 'why me ? ' and 'it's not fair' from time to time.

Depression is part of RA - we all suffer from it - and why shouldn't we - we didn't ask to be ill. Pain and sleepless nights add to feeling tired and helps to push us into depression.

Our GP's and rheumy teams understand that feeling down is a part of RA symptoms and are generally sympathetic. Don't feel as though you are pestering them, they are there to help you (and us) deal with RA and variety of side effects that come with it.

Personally when I get the 'why me's' I tell my Husband that I am having a down day, this helps him understand if I am being 'ratty' and 'snappy'.

My depression usually only lasts a short while, hopefully you will find the same. Understanding that this is something which happens to us as a side effect of RA is part of acceptance of the disease.

Going back to work definitely should lift your spirits, not only will you have less time to brood about RA, but you will feel more normal and hopefully you will have someone at work who you can talk to when you feel down.

Best of luck for next week and hope you are feeling better soon.


in reply to Judi

thanks Judi, feeling better already, strange how it hits you suddenly then goes away just as fast.

I don't know what I'd do without my husbands support, he reads the signals now as tip toes round me.

looking forward to going back, love my job and work with a strange bunch but I get a lot from working with the students, oh I'm getting quite excited :)

thanks again Judi

citihound profile image

I have had RA for 7 years and have got used to it. Strangely enough there are some upsides which you may notice over time... I used to rush around and never really notice anything but being forced to slow down can have its benefits especially if you have a nose like mine...

i had a giggle at that citihound! my stupid sense of humour :) it was ''the nose like mine'' and then looking at your picture you must be able to smell very well with that nose and I think you need a haircut!!! ahhhh, I need to get out more hehe.

Yes, the upsides is appreciating life like never before also.

I see your new to the site, you need to tell us all about yourself.

Gorgeous dog, what kind is he/she?

citihound profile image
citihound in reply to

Good glad I cheered you up! The dog is a wheaten terrier and actually looks not dissimilar to me....slightly mad hair which does indeed need a chop -not quite so hairy on the chin though..which is a relief...

jasperjolly profile image

I know it sounds ridiculous but I have found exercise has helped me both mentally and physically. When the consultant told me that exercise would help I thought it was a joke especially as some days any movement was painful but have to say he was right! I swim and do pilates now which is a great help! I have now been living with RA for 11 years and this has been my best year! I can't believe but in September I did the London to Paris cycle ride raising money for Arthritis Research. A few years ago I never thought it would have been possible!

hello jasperjolly, not ridiculous at all but funny you should say that as I have just joined a gym and your so right it really does help and will continue for as long as my RA lets me :)

Well done for the cycle, wow thats amazing, can I be cheeky? I would love to hear more of your story and I 'm sure there are plenty others who would get some hope from it, why don't you write a blog? hearing this from you would give lots of us hope :)

CathySmith profile image

Oh how I can relate to this ????.....My hubby and i can go to Walmart and i will start to begin to hurt and I will be across the store and i know its gonna be sooooo painful to get to the car and i will begin to start having anxiety and sometimes a panic attack,,,I have gone into the restroom until it stops..Begin to just breathe and start thinking of something different,,its a horrible thing,,,ask your doc about something(meds) to take to curb those feelings..Good luck.......Cathy

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