Neck problems: I have been having terrible problems... - NRAS


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Neck problems

sharlynn profile image
13 Replies

I have been having terrible problems with my neck, it is not painful it just aches so bad, it also feels as though i have to support my head (sounds daft i know), when i turn it from side to side it starts to spasm, i am so fed up with it now as i have tried all sorts of excercise to no avail. Wondered if anyone else has had similar problems. X

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sharlynn profile image
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13 Replies

Yes, my neck gives me jip, but more creaks as though the bones are crunching together. When it's bad the only thing I have found to relieve it, is to lie down and let it settle. The other part that goes as well is the shoulder bone nearest the neck, that one is at it's worse right now and feel like chopping it off, only trouble is it's the one I use for the crutch or cane, so not so good if I chopped it off.

Roll on another three weeks to blood test and hopefully body back to normal and I can take my tablets each day again. Take care. xx

Ps - Suddenly thought my mother has oestoA and she uses a neck brace, given to her by the hospital, try wrapping a towel round may do the same job in the short term.

gazelleLOL profile image

I have a really stiff neck at the moment, I leant back in my office chair

and fell asleep. This was some days back and I am still in agony.

The big muscle up the side of the neck has seized solid.

When I first move about I feel unbalanced and at times feel quite woozy

then it wears off. I am using a hot water bottle and doing head rolling

exercises, very slowly.

How I hate this getting old, I could sleep on a barn floor or the back of

a car when young and leap up next day and be fully with it.

Now if one thing in my routine is not right i suffer for it, who said life

begins at forty? it was all downhill after that!

allanah profile image

have you seen an osteopath. My husband has had great success and the pain is much better Axx

Shell1967 profile image

I hope my friend Claire reads your blog as she suffers from neck problems and headaches,and will be able to tell you how she feels.lots of love michellex

Terrpist profile image
Terrpist in reply to Shell1967

I had epidural injections which helped

sharlynn profile image

Thank you everyone for your replies, has helped a lot. Didn't know which way to turn, my neck is really making life uncomfortable, i shall try putting heat on it and excercises and will mention to my consultant re: Osteopath. Hope to hear from Claire as it sounds like i am having similar problems to her. X

MrsHouseMouse profile image

Hi Sharlynn. I replied on Claire's blog just now.. am suffering horribly with neck pain too, but did find this useful link which I will pass to you too. There is a downloadable leaflet there too which explains things in simple terms. I found it helped me to understand what was going on and I now know how to describe my symptoms better because they are in the leaflet, which hopefully will help the rheumys sort it out!

I hope you get some relief soon. I find lavendar oil helps me to relax and sleep and eases some of the associated muscle pain. I just put a couple of drops on a hankie near my pillow (be careful it doesn't get on your skin or in your eyes)


claireyj profile image

Hiya ...yep I'm Claire with the neck n head probs sorry you are suffering and I really know how u feel .... I got to thinking there was a prob with my glands as my neck ached and ached I thought I had glandular fever at times , but now I also suffer big headaches and wonder is it RA, over doing it, side effect from Methx or just a virus I've picked up as I work in a school?!! I might get the odd week where I'm headache free but mainly since diagnosed I have constant headache.... Am trying to do the be healthy thing too and it has been suggested maybe my swimming is aggravating it and yeah maybe it is....I saw a rhumi nurse yesterday and she thinks it could be inflammation in the neck and is referring to me a physio and also all meds are going to be increased in Jan (scarey) so at the mo im not sure just taking nurofen etc but just driving me mad ....also gonna get an eye test your never know's a process of elimination I guess ..will keep u updated C x

sharlynn profile image

Thank you soo much for your replies, thanks claire for getting in touch, i went for a meal with friends last night and sitting for a long time my neck was beyond aching, i really struggled and had to keep resting my head in my hands, it's as though my neck is too heavy (i know it sounds mad), when i got home i had a blinding headache. I am seeing my consultant on Friday and see what she says - they have referred me to physio so will see how that goes. I will also keep you informed how things go. Thank you Mrs HouseMouse i will click on the link and take a look. Take care everyone

Tinwoman2 profile image

Oh, yes, my neck gets like that at times. It always happens on the right side for me & yes, I feel like I have to hold my head up when it happens. Mine always feels like the muscle is tight instead of the actual joint hurting. I try to gently stretch it and try to keep my neck warm & get more sleep & eventually it goes away. One time it lasted about 3 weeks, but usually it only lasts about 4 days.

Good luck,


sharlynn profile image

Thanks for replying Tinwoman2, i was beginning to think that something else was wrong but it sounds like it is the RA. You have described very similar symptoms to what i am having i am so fed up with it, by the end of the day my neck aches so much, i keep doing the stretching and it helps a little, going back to physio soon so hopefully might get some relief. Good luck with everything and i will let you know how i get on. X

Terrpist profile image

Be careful doing things over head with neck problems

I use wheat bag wrapped neck .. just warm 2.5 min in microwave

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