I'm still alive despite the pain........: Morning all,i... - NRAS


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I'm still alive despite the pain........

sylvi profile image
22 Replies

Morning all,i hope you are all wellish despite all your diseases. My week has been ok despite the pain in my hands and body. Tuesday i was at my psychio as i had rang him about the pain i was getting in and around my knee. He checked me over and then took me into the gym and put me on a bike to see how i was doing. He is going to get me in the gym with chris next week to get my muscles moving and i am getting on my bike at home.

Then on wednesday i was at the drs to get my drugs. My mtx is now up to four tablets every week. She is going to chase up the letter from the hospital and get the referrals done.

I have managed to walk one way up the village and it really took it out of me the next day,so today i am takng it easy.My body feels like it has been hit by a bus.

My hubby and daughter are on the poppy stall in nuneaton this afternoon.They are at sainsburys from 3 until 7pm so i will be home alone then.

Despite all the drugs i'm on my hands are very sore and i don't know where to out them. The good news is that i am not so depressed as i have been in the past. I still ache but what the hell i am alive.

Also just to annoy everyone,all the presents i have brought are wrapped and i am a good way through writing them as well.

Have a good day to you all........

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sylvi profile image
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22 Replies
aligator profile image

good morning sylvi, I was wondering how you were. wish you were more comfortable but glad you are feeling emotionally strong at the moment. What a stint your daughter&OH are doing for the poppy appeal. Great cause. How dare you swank about gifts& wrapping!!!! I've got to get going as I'm booked for keyhole surgery on right knee 21st December. Great timing but hopefully the relief of some pain will be good. Yet another Christmas with all pulling their weight. Last year there were loads of laughter at some of the minor pitfalls!!keep smiling. Lots of love Alison

sylvi profile image

Alison, i Have to be ahead and get it done as it takes the pressure of hubby and he does enough already,also my son will be home on the 2nd dec. and i want the deccies up before he gets home.

They do a lot for the poppy appeal. Grace is also the standard bearer for our branch of the bl.

It will be fun for you watching them doing what you do at xmas that you do in a flash. At least they will appreciate you more afterwards.xxxx

Sylvi, I take my hat off to you re Christmas pressies - yet again my family and friends will have to be content with M&S gift vouchers or Amazon vouchers. The thought of ploughing my way through a crowded shopping mall makes my eyeballs swivel! Would be much easier if Santa really was alive and could respond to e-mail requests for pressies! Take care and go and sit in your lovely chair - you deserve it.



sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Thank you virge, most of the presents i have got from bedworth,asda or the little shops in bedworth. You can get your pressies online it is a lot easier for you. I can get out with my scooter otherwise i would be scuppered. I couldn't go round in december it would be i idea of hell. I have tried in the past to get them all before december at least. Love sylvi.xx

Shell1967 profile image

I'm the same as you sylv,start buying Xmas presses in September,I have all mine too but not as good as u regarding wrapping them yet lol.so sorry you are feeling a lot of pain at the min.isnt it so cold outside,I'm sure it doesn't help.you have inspired me I might write my Xmas cards out tomorrow.lots of love sylv take care Michelle xx

sylvi profile image

Michelle,i'm glad i'm not alone in getting organised. Yes the cold isn't helping my joints. I ache all over my hands and my shoulders and when i get up i feel like a old lady.When i've had my bath i'm going to bed and i'll write some more cards now strictly is over. So i am going to shut my laptop down and go up and get bathed. Love sylvi.xxx

Shell1967 profile image
Shell1967 in reply to sylvi

Me too I've just had a lovely bath,from April to sep I wasn't able to get in and out the bath so I feel so blessed I can now do this,as the highlight of my day before RA was a long hot bubble bath every night,total bliss,if you could see how I get out of the bath you would laugh but honestly as long as I can do it I don't care how haha nite sylv xxxx

helixhelix profile image

I remember you shamed me into doing something about Xmas last year, and here you go doing it again this year! I haven't even thought about starting yet. I shall imagine you on your bike singing Xmas songs... Pollyx

sylvi profile image

Morning girls,Well what a night,i think i will have to go back to the drs as i don't think i should be like this.My son rang late last night and i was crying with pain. I ended up getting a thingy that you use on planes to put round you neck to help with flying and i put that on as the pain across my shoulders was intense.It did help even if it didn't clear it. It was lovely to hear my son and he is a lot better than last weekend as he had a throat infection. I didn't get up until after 8am,but i still keep getting up to go to the loo,the sleep was alright.

I don't know what to do with myself. I still ache,and it never seems to leave me. My rheumy says its the fibro causing all my pain and i have all the drugs to fight it.

Anyway thats enough of my moaning,did you see strictly last night. Richard arnold will be going tonight he was rubbish last night.

Thank you ladies for keeping me going. love to you Sylvi.xxx

cazh profile image
cazh in reply to sylvi

Hi Sylivi, sorry to hear you're not feeling good at the mo. Am a strictly addict myself. Loved Louis Smith (again) and think Danni is also in the running. Went to ballroom lessons for 2 yrs but unfortunately had to give up when RA made it too painful. Take it easy today.

Caroline x

cris1728 profile image

Hi Sylvi sorry to hear you are feeling so sore (gentle hug) at least your mood is not too bad . maybe you have done too much this week but at least you'll be ready for when your son comes home and xmas and be able to enjoy them both. Hoping u are feeling better soon and not in so much pain. Feeling stiff and sore myself this morning but spent yesterday helping out at the christmas bazzar at chapel and spent 2 days baking for it before that we pay the price for not pacing dont we.


sylvi profile image

Girls,i don't know what to do for the best to be honest. I was planning a walk round the block,but guess what its raining so thats out of the window for the time being.

Hope you all have a lovely sunday. Love Sylvi.xx

Treesha profile image

Sorry youre in pain Sylvi, keep the wheat bags handy. Its good your mood has improved though thats half the battle. Keep warm and well done to your daughter and hubby selling poppies xxxx

sylvi profile image

Treesha, i have a heating pad that i use and mu hubby put some cream on my shoulders this morning and boy did it hurt. He thinks it might be muscular. I have put the cream on my hands as well,this cream is what the dr gave me.

Hubby is back down there tomorrow with the poppy stand. One person put £20 in the bucket for the appeal,isn't that generous. I might go with him tomorrow and see if i can finish off my xmas pressie buying.

Love sylvi.xxxx

sandie2255 profile image

Good morning Sylvi,

I take my hat off to you and your Christmas pressies.....and to have wrapped tham as well? wow! I started making my Xmas cards in August but have not felt the inclination to finish them yet (and when you make your own cards, people expect one regardless of how you feel!!).

Am at work today :-( and feeling a bit achey and sore.....my daughter has got a sore throat and I tried to be very polite and tell her not to breath on me in the car on the way to work this morning but as it was so cold at 6.30am we had the heating on full blast so I would expect this little gem will be winging its way into my non existient immune system! I am trying to be careful tho as I have an op on the 20th Nov and I dont want to have to cancel it....

Take care with the aches and pains Sylvi, thinking of you and sending butterrfly hugs.

Anyway my lovely, have a restful day and I hope the poppy collecting goes well. xxxx

sylvi profile image

Sandie,what do you do that you have to go into work on a sunday,unless you work in a shop. I used to work on the tills in the past,tesco,quik save etc. Then i went into mobile catering which i loved very much. I had to give that up due to my ra as i wasn't safe anymore. Then i got a job in an office,until i got made redundant in 2009. My then boss was very good with me when i had appointments at hospital. I do wish i could still work,but sadly thats not the casew now thanks very much RA.

I think i will go upstairs and finish wrapping the last few pressies i have left to do. I will certainly rest and watch the rain falling. Love sylvi.xxx

sandie2255 profile image

Hi sylvi,

I work for a publishing company in their subscriptions department and spend all day on a keyboard! Not doing much for the RA but its not so easy to find employment out there at the moment and its only me paying bills so has to do for now.

We have some blue sky here in sussex at the moment but its very windy and very wet on the roads so the drive home tonight isnt going to be much fun!

Take care xx

lorann profile image

Sylvie, Sweetheart! Helloooo! I think your soreness and pain may be an accumulation of a few things you are doing currently! Imagine that!

When I get on my bike, a recumbant thing, I have noticed I get really sore in legs and shoulders and arms and hands. Just from holding onto the handlebars. Especially if I haven't done it for a while. So, now I put the heat packs on my thighs before, and usually do the bike right after a shower and put on sweatsuit-flannel- to keep the shoulders relaxed. My Physio says the pain comes from cold muscles, you need to warm them and relax first. It does make a difference, though takes too long to do all that prep!

My neck and shoulders also get tight and sore after only about 10 mins of looking down while writing cards and wrapping gifts. So I have to prolong that bit too! All in all, you are likely over-using your body and it is complaining! I can think of better ways to over-use....oh never mind1 :) So get warmed up, stay warm and cozy, do your bike to strengthen your muscles and by Spring, you will be running around the block :) Take good care kiddo, I do envy and admire you! luv, Loretxx

hi sylvi. chin up.. x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Thanks Summer,lifes been pretty hard health wise so i thank for thinking about me. Love sylvi.xxxx

Hi Sylvi,

I've been absent for a while and just catching up with you now.

So sorry you have been having such a hard time. I do hope that you are pestering your GP and Rheumy dept regularly to get them to reassess your medications.

Keep your chin up girl.

Judy xxxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Judy,hope you are well. Yes i have spoken to my rheumy nurse this morning and she is going to look at my blood test when it comes in. I had it done this morning and i was near crying when i spoke to her. I am not getting better lets just say that. I am off the steroids now and have been nearly three weeks and i think my body now knows it. If i am like this now what the hell would i be like without any drugs at all. I just hope that now i am off them maybe i would be ablee to lose some weight, I can wish can't i.

Love to have heard from you. Sylvi.xxx

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