Can you get the flu jab whilst on dmards, steroids etc. - NRAS


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Can you get the flu jab whilst on dmards, steroids etc.

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26 Replies

yes and it is best to do so! I am having mine tomorrow x

Gina_K profile image

I always do. Hav'nt yet. Alison, would you get it done if you were me. operation on 19/10?

julieporter profile image


i had mine last week

I also always have the pnuemonia jab as on MTX

in reply to julieporter

you only need the pnuemonia Jab once dont you? Thats what I was told?

Philip profile image
Philip in reply to

Me too lol cos it hurt like HELL!!!!!!!!!!! I thought my arm was going to fall off lol.

binlid profile image
binlid in reply to julieporter

yes 10yrs i believe

julieporter profile image

I hope not -ive had one for the last 3 years!!!

LavendarLady profile image

You should have the flu jab every year as it helps protect when our immune systems are so low. You do not need the pneumonia jab more than once!

LavendarLady x

Andrea_Shapiro profile image

I've never had a jab for pneumonia, I'm reckoning that my GP never saw a need for one. I'm awaiting supplies for flu/ swine flu around 28 October.

in reply to Andrea_Shapiro

I would check as mine just presumed I'd already had it, my rheumatiologist was the one who told me I needed it.

Take care

Julie x

thanks alot receptionist at gps didn't know whether she should book me in or not so it will be monday afternoon. Funny last year i wouldn't have considered it and would have stocked up with fresh fruits etc - this year i feel very vulnerable and want to protect myself against the bugs as much as possible.

regarding pneumonia injection i couldn't start metx until i got one and i thought it was about 10 years too.

KatyEvans profile image

My consultant said I should have the flu jab, but they refused me at the surgery saying ra wasn't on their list. So I didn't get jabbed! Katy

If you are taking immuno suppressant therapy eg methotrexate, azothioprine, gold salts you should get the flu jab.. check with your rhuem team.. I believe hydroxychloroquine on its on may not be eligable however as it is really an anti malarial drug..

Definately try to get jabs before hospital stays.. worst place for immuno suppressed people!!

I was also told only Pneuomonia once..

Yes, I'm having mine tomorrow and the pneumovax covers you for ten years!

The list at my GP's (of criteria] has 'auto-immune diseases' and those on 'immuno-suppressants' as high priority groups. I would go back to your GPs and demand one if you've been refused - RA is an auto-immune disease and if you're on a Dmard or steroids then you're on immuno-suppressants - sounds like another case of someone hearing 'arthritis' and thinking 'wear and tear' - grrr!

You can get a flu-jab at big pharmacies too but will have to pay.

My gps have always vaccinated all my children too so that they didn't bring the illness into the home.

Get vaccinated!

Cece x

Glitterbear profile image

Yes you can have vaccines as long as they are inactive. (best to keep away from 'live' vaccines and people/ children who have recently had them. ) I had my flu jab on Tuesday and have been fine with it apart from a bit of reddening on my arm. It's a good idea to be vaccinated as getting the flu could make you very ill and your RA flare up with a vengeance.

LavendarLady profile image

Hi Everyone, had my flu jab today. Sometimes get a slightly sore arm but an ice pack soon cures that. You cannot get flu from the flu jab in case anyone is wondering. It is a "dead" vaccine so won't cause any cold or flu symptoms. LavendarLady x

sue67 profile image

Hya ! i had the flue jab last year and was so ill after it so in humming and harring now should i shouldnt i have it ? I take salazopyin, methotrexate, hydroxychloroquinesulphate oh and folic acid so should i have the jab or not ?

in reply to sue67

hi sue

from the replies on here it would appear that its important to get the jab particularly with the drugs you are on as your immune system will be lowered. i asked the nurse yesterday about the side effects and she said there really shouldn't be much more than a sore arm and maybe a bit fluey for a few days. she did say that because of the time of year people could have already a virus or infection in their system and it could be that coupled with th side effects that cause the most discomfort. my mother is considering bypassing it this year as well because she said she had flu for about 2 weeks following the jab, i am trying to persuade her otherwise.

LavendarLady profile image

Can I reiterate again, that no one can get flu from the flu jab! It is as myth which does the rounds regularly. It is a "dead" vaccine. All it causes would be a slighly sore arm for a day or so round the jab site. Anyone who then goes down with a cold or flu was already harbouring the symptoms when they had the jab! By the way, many people think they have flu when all they have is a heavy cold. If you have ever had flu you will certainly know about it. You are unable to function for at least a fortnight, shivering violently one minute and burning hot the next, loss of appetite but very thirsty, very raised temperature and aches in every joint and feel like a wet rag just rung out with no energy for weeks after. I had it in the epidemic in 1989 and it is not something I would care to repeat. It is also a killer in certain circumstances.

A cold, heavy or otherwise, is just that and will clear up whether treated or not within 5 days. LavendarLady x

williamhookywalker profile image
williamhookywalker in reply to LavendarLady

yes i agree with you on that lavendarlady, i had it that year and couldnt do any for ages...

bpeal1 profile image
bpeal1 in reply to williamhookywalker

I agree too. I've had flu twice and certainly hope never to repeat it. I have never felt so ill. The first time was when I was in the Sixth form at school and I still remember it clearly. I didn't get out of bed for a week. I went back to school the following week but ony because my A-levels were a few weeks later. I was excused the homework but at least I wasn't missing more lessons. As soon as I got home I went back to bed.

I get really cross when people say they have flu but only have a bad cold.

williamhookywalker profile image

yes you can, had mine last week while having my fortnightly blood test also had my one and only pheomonia jab.

bpeal1 profile image

I had my flu jab on wednesday. I didn't even get a saw arm this time. I asked at the surgery as Immune-suppressed wasn't on the list on the posters they put up. I asked at reception and they said they would ask the GP for me. They rang back to say definitly yes I should have it. I also doubled checked about the pneumonia one as I had one last year and was told that it would cover me for life so I didin't need another.

LavendarLady profile image

I have had a flu jab for years even before I had RA as I have a compromised immune system. I am asthmatic (although only mild) and had cancer 17 years ago so I qualified anyway. I did resist it but our lovely Surgery sister threatened she wouldn't let me out if I didn't have it, and I have had it ever since.

RA certainly qualifies for the flu jab and also the pneumonia one because the immune system is seriously compromised. Any surgery that tells you otherwise (that RA doesn't qualify) is very wrong!

I also agree with bpeal1. I get very angry when people say they have flu when all they have is a heavy cold. If you ever get flu, you will know about it and can only stay in bed as you feel so ill. LavendarLady x

binlid profile image

hi yes my consultant insisted on first visit last year i have phneumonia jab and flue immidiatly then flue every year hope this helps im on metho and sulpha

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