Since starting treatment for RA in April, my cycle has been all over the place. From being pretty regular at 28/29 days, everything has now gone completely random. My nurse says there is nothing to suggest this is as a result of the RA but it seems strange that it coincided completely with the commencement of MTX. I take 20mg weekly and have just also started Hyroxychlor....(can't spell it!) - two tablets daily. I just wondered if anyone else had experience of this. I am 45 so I suppose it could be my age but I don't have any other "typical" symptons of the menopause. Any info would be appreciated.
Since starting treatment for RA in April, my cycle ha... - NRAS
Since starting treatment for RA in April, my cycle has been all over the place.

Hi Mags,
if you type in periods in the box top right corner you it will take you to previous questions, one particular at top of page from jaqui who asked this question and got some great answers, it does appear to affect your periods
hope this helps
methotrexate can cause irregualr periods
hiya i have been on mtx since may and for the first 2 months i had no periods and now they are every 2 weeks. i had the hospital last tues so i asked my specialist about this and she told me it is nothing to do with the mtx and to go and see my doc, very confusing
I know I have had the same info too but reading some of the posts on here it seems that mtx can affect your cycle. I was advised by my nurse to speak to my gp as well but I haven't yet done so. As you say it's very confusing and frustrating
I mentioned this to my RA consultant. He said mtx can affect your periods. So much mixed information!!
Yes MTX can cause irregular periods, but I would advise a visit to your GP. It could be something else such as thyroid problems which is pretty common with RA.
This is what happened to me a few years ago.
Take care
mand xx

Thanks for all your replies - just to be on the safe side I am going to see my GP next week just for a bit of reassurance if nothing else.
can u let me know wot yr doc says please because i dont know whether to go to mine or just wait and see how i go
Of course. I am also seeing my consultant nxt wk so will ask him too and let you know.
Hi Jaqi, saw my gp today ahead of my appt as I had a funny turn this morning with breathlessness and the shakes and was a bit concerned that it was something to do with my RA meds. Anyway I asked him about the changes to my cycle to which I didn't get a clear answer! He seems to think that it is not related to MTX (apparently there is no concrete evidence to support this), but is to do with my age (45) and the start of the menopause. I'm still not convinced but then I don't have complete faith in GPs, as my hubby says they know a little about a lot! I am going to talk to my RA consultant as I have an appt with him on Friday so I will let you know what he says. I would say go and see your GP anyway and I hope you have more luck than me! x
If you have a read through the long side effect leaflet of methotrexate it says can cause irregular peroids, dont know why consultants dont know this??!!
Any way methotrexate gave me irregular periods.. Gp said it wasnt menopause.. sent off to charming gynaecologist and had to have a womb biopsy which was clear.. I did say about the methotrexate causing irregular periods to him but he said he hadnt heard off it??!, Any way womb biopsy was clear, If in doubt about periods ask GP for advice / gynae referral x
my period stopped totally for 4 months when i was very bad and when i was diagnosed in the beginning. my gp told me it was because of stress, depression, sever pain and my body going into shock really......... they are ok now that my treatment is kind of working mostly! hope you get it sorted, and try not to worry
I have an under active thyroid (for 23 years) always new my menopause would start early, I am 43 and was diagnosed last year with RA, but at the time I asked all the questions, as my periods were crazy, after having been to the minute since I was 15!
I now have been told that I have probably been going through this change for 18months, but as I cannot be tested as I have been on steroids, still have to take the pill to make sure I don't get pregnant as I am on methotrexate - oh the joy of it all! But apparently I might skip the night sweats -
Take care
This happened to me before I was diagnosed with RA, my cycles went completely whack! However, now, I can definitely say that steroids mess up my cycle completely. Our bodies, with RA, become quite a puzzle to piece together. Best of luck! Oh, I’m also 45 and was 31 when things really kicked in for me.