I was only diagnosed with RA in February, but it was a very aggressive sudden onset. The week before I was kickboxing for 3 hours a night 4 days a week and cycling, swimming and jogging.
On diagnosis I found myself housebound and obviously in lots of pain. However, 6 months on, having been taking 25mg of MTX a week and codeine and paracetamol I am finding that I want to start exercising once more.
My physio says Im still flared (which my hospital visit this week confirmed), but she also said I was unrealistic to expect to ever ride a push bike again or go for long walks in Derbyshire etc again. My Rheumy Nurse says the opposite and wants me to get back to my exercise.
So my question is - if Im on codeine and paracetamol and its only aching on this regime how do I know how much exercise is good or what could cause more damage and thus problems in the future (specially with Physio saying do nothing but stretching and posture exercises for now and Rheumy Nurse saying do what you can as it will help me sleep and its what my body was used to).......
So confusing - want my life of exercise back, but dont want to do any permanent damage... Surely with my diagnosis so quick and starting MTX so quickly (within 2 months of onset) I shouldnt have damage resulting in the need for pain relief, but I do.... medical advice is so confusing and contradictory.