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Below is a genuine thing that happened with my wife and myself, so I wonder, have you ever considered an Alternative Therapist. this below writinfg was in reply to a members writing.

You tried EFT or Hypnotherapy!! As a Hypnotherapist is it amazing what CAN BE FIXED, My wife went to the dentist, she was told, you need a root canal, now even on NHS prices that would not be cheap, as I was with her I said sorry she does not need a route canal, I had a strange look from the Hygenist and the dentist, why wont she they said, because I will fix it myself and charge her a big hug, MMM They looked at me like I was daft, any way that was three years ago, and no route canal since, I tranced her donw into the Abyss, and spoke directly and communicated with the part causing the problem, I explained what the dentist was going to do, like drill out the toothe and remove the route, put strips of anticeptic in the cavety and cover it up. I suggested to the unconscious mind that IT CAN REPEIR THIS PROBLEM FROM THE INSIDE, So believe waht you will, she never has had that expensive route canal. Another nice one is the 12 year old girl who had no smell, two years seeing a"SPECIALIST"LOL and no change, ½ in my care and she could smell again, PS I still have the news paper cutting for that one.

Never underestimate the power of the mind, especially YOUR OWN! I am 56, have knackered knees, Ankles, Shoulders and Knees, well the Chassis is a little rusty I suppose, but I ride a 200 mph motorcycle, Why do I do this in cold damp England! because I can!

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If you have any suggestions, could you send me the link (if that's possible) please. Thank you 😊

Alternative therapies , any success stories