I have been on Ebrel for the last 9 weeks but not tolerating Methotrexate tablets during that time. I had my first Methotrexate injection on Tuesday and have been feeling like a zombie since yesterday. Has anyone else felt like this? Will it just take some time to adjust?
Is it normal to feel totally wiped out after Methorex... - NRAS
Is it normal to feel totally wiped out after Methorexate Injection a day or two after

Hello Sarah
I am sorry you are feeling zombie like after your first metho injection. I don't take methotrexate tabs any more and only had a short time on the injected version so I'm not best placed to answer your question. But I understand from what I have read that some people do experience what you are describing - both on tablet and injected methotrexate. I also know from my own experience that it can take time for the body to adjust to the meds and that, over time, some of the initial side effects can improve or disappear. Good luck with the Enbrel - really hope you find it helps you. Hope too that you do find you get used to the metho injections in due course.
Tilly xxx
Hi - I had my second MTX injection on Tuesday and I was wiped out but think it was from the flu jab I had at same time which made my arm ache so much I had insomnia so felt lousy and wiped out all day Wednesday. On the whole I feel much better than I did on the oral MTX I think but we are all so different. Perhaps it's the combination of Embrel and MTX more than the injection - but injectable MTX is absorbed faster and it's meant to be more effective so like being on a higher dose of the tablets. It certainly seems to be working this way for me so far. Hope things improve as your body adjusts.
Tilda x
Hi I take MTX tablets friday tea time and on Sunday I am no use to anyone at all, iam totally fatigued. The hospital reduced my dose as they saw this as MTX related, although it hasn't help. i may have to come off compleately. So i guess that I have felt like that too and I have been on it since April so I don't think i have got used to it yet. Although to be honest I do have ME aswell and so my fatigue levels are not good to start with.
Please let us know how u get on. I was at hospital yesterday complaining of the chronic fatigue. My das score was over 5 again so they have agreed to change me from 25mg max orally to the injection so I would love to know how u get on.
I started off on methotrexate when i was newly diagnosed earlier this year and took my tablets on a Wednesday. I was totally wiped out for about 4 days after taking them, couldnt get off the settee and was just totally lethargic, horrendous headaches and stomach cramps so only lasted on them for about a month! It was tablets and not injections and not taking anything else along side of them, guess i just wasnt suited to them, am now trying out Arava!