will just got back from tribunal, , all the paper work i sent of after feb, was told , it will not count , only wot was on the form back, then , so all i have sent off sins for the tribunal will not count,,, not . how my illness,is now and go worse, is not good, ,, so will now start a new claim,, as that was the most, silly think i have been too. why why , have a sent off all the paper, work to say , how my life has had to change, .. one silly think he said had i peel a onions , ha ha , should have said cant it makes me cry, just like your , stupid , tribunal. thank to you all , jo,x
waste of time !!: will just got back from tribunal... - NRAS
waste of time !!

Oh Jo i am so sorry that you had a hard time. You are right they are stupid,if they looked at the paperwork you had sent they would know how ill you are. You must appeal whatever happens. You will get it on appeal,it is so daft isn't it. They shpuld have drs doing the assessments then they would be better equipped to assess people like you.
Take heart and don't give in to depression,i know how easy it is to fall like that. So i am sending cyber hugs to you jo.
Love sylvi.xx
thank you , sylvi, i am going to start all over again with a new claim. as all wot i sent to them for this appeal , they do not care, only, the form back in feb, so this time i am going to put . ever thing and get my daughter to fill , it in, as cant write, cant read or , spell, as hand s will not work , and very bad depression,,, so cant under stand why, they as to all further evidence for your appeal, then go there, and tell you they cant use it, though i was thick. but as takes the , piss, 6months of be sorting a case, i to be told is no good. oh well, will get the form right this time. , Big cyber thanks to you all on her, and let all try and keep going , its hard i no, , but will not lay her and cry, . bigs thanks , jo,. xx AS HAPPY I HAVE ALL YOU LOVELY PEOPLE ON HER,
Sorry to hear that the tribunal did not go well. Keep trying
Hugs all round for you
Joanne x
Hi missmopp, sorry to hear about your tribunal. they said the same to me . they only cared about how i was back last november not now! Keep fighting for what you should be entitled to.
best of luck
Regards Sharon
Hi - if you can manage it, try and get an appointment with someone from the Citizen Advice Bureau to help fill in the forms for you. Apparently (I have only heard this) they are extremely helpful.
Judi xxxx
Really sorry Jo to hear this - words just fail me.
Totally agree with Judi you need help from a welfare benefits expert - Citizen's Advice Bureau, Welfare Rights or DIAL. They will not lie, but know how to word everything in a way the DWP accept, and they know what's important and what isn't. Personally I have had help from my local Welfare Rights and they were brilliant - understood the problems and filled in the forms quickly. It will take away lots of pressure from you Jo and save you time. Also if your application has been stamped by Welfare Rights etc. the DWP know you will appeal.
Please give it a go Jo.
The CAB are really good with these forms as they are having to do so many, I know I was working at the CAB until a few months ago. Check with your CAB to see if they do home visits as some areas do have people to come out to visit people who are unable to get into the office. The other thing is to complain to your MP he will contact the DWP on your behalf that normally makes them take a look again, thats what your MP is for. Hope this get resolved quickly for you.
You definitely need help from the CAB or another disability advocacy service for things like this.
Unfortunately they were right at the tribunal - a review hearing can only look at the original information and check if the decision made based on that was right. if you wanted to put in additional information, then it has to be a new application. That's the way "reviews" work. That is also a really good reason for getting your application form checked over by CAB before you submit it in the first place. They are well experienced in knowing whether you have submitted enough information to start with.