Pins & needles in left hand little finger side, does... - NRAS


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Pins & needles in left hand little finger side, does RA cause?

Gina_K profile image
25 Replies

Recently, I notice I often get pins & needles down left hand under little finger and palm beneath little finger, seems worse when I am resting elbow on a table or such like. Has anyone else ever had this sensation? Is it to do with RA? i asked my nurse, but she just looked blankly at me!

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Gina_K profile image
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25 Replies

Hi Gina, I have exactly the same thing, I mentioned this to my consultant who sent me for a nerve assessment. It is linked with RA but the damage cant be reversed. I was told to stop putting my elbow on table etc, but it is hard to remember when I am at work lol! My ring and little finger on left hand constantly feel odd with pins and needles and is often completely numb. Ask for a nerve assessment to see how bad the damage is, but nothing can be done about it.

Edie profile image
Edie in reply to

See another neuroligist and have an EMG. Yes it can be helped and No its not RA. Yes for inflamation but that cant colapse the canal its in. Am having the release done next week by a hand surgeon. They can find the nerves and tell you just were the compression is with a machine and just how compressed it is. The hand surgeons are very familiar with RA patients also. Get this done the right way. We all get a little paranoid with this RA and have to be carefull not to think that everything is RA. Good luck.

in reply to Edie

hi edie, I was told by my consultant that the numbness was linked to the RA, I had the nerve test and the doctor who performed it said that it wouldnt improve, it might stay the same, or it may get worse, but it wasnt carpal tunnel. The consultant rheumy thinks it is pressure on nerves in my shoulder, from RA swelling. I just thought I would make this clear because I felt that you were a bit harsh here!

Paul1464 profile image
Paul1464 in reply to

I suffer with the same mine is the right hand. I am 50 now and not as fit and strong as I was. When we age we have to accept things to occur. I read everything I can relating to it but I just put it down to age. It is what it is mentality. Worrying about it is no good. Accept it and tell yourself it could be a lot worse. Then a bit of tingling in the fingers.. Could though couldn't it !!!

ciyoung profile image

Hi Gina- I also get this and am off for my nerve tests in 2 weeks. My fingers go see through, then pins and needles- mainly in 3 fingers and more frequently in the cold. I THINK it's called carpel tunnel and they can do a simple procedure to help the nerves get through the swelling. Get a test and I'll let you know how it goes xxx

Edie profile image
Edie in reply to ciyoung

Carpel tunnel is with the thumb..ring finger..middle finger. The baby finger and ring finger is the ulna nerve entraptment. This is above the elbo. No simple procedure as it has to be released. I had this done and it was simple. They just put your arm asleep and your awake. With the ulna nerve they put you to sleep as its to far up for a ternicate. Lol I have had it all. By the way this has nothing to do with RA. Had the best hand surgeon in Chicago who does hand transplants tell me its heredity belive it or not. My Mom had MS and i can remember that she had the same thing. good luck and get this fixed as we need are hands.

Judi profile image

Hi Gina - you could also see your GP, there is a simple test he/she can do which would indicate whether it is carpel tunnel. I had bilateral carpel tunnel release surgery 2 years ago which has resolved the problem for me. They can also give a steroid injection which can help if the symptoms become un-bearable (only worked for a couple of weeks for me) but may help others. My rheumy consultant also did a test using a machine which indicated just how bad it was and he could tell from the reading that I did need surgery. I also had pain along with the pins and needles and found that running both wrists under cold water helped, obviously taking some swelling down a little bit.

Hope this helps

Judi xxxx

Hi Gina, It does sound like Carpel Tunnel, which can be linked to RA. Something to do with a nerve in the wrist leading to either numbness or pins and needles.

Take care

mand xx

LavendarLady profile image

Hi Gina, I also had this sometime ago and saw the chiropractor. I had a trapped nerve in my neck/shoulder which he freed up for me with some gentle manipulation and it has been fine since. Pins and Needles in your little finger are often a sign of a trapped/damaged nerve which could be caused by the RA as well. It really is a vicious circle at times. Hope you get it sorted out soon. LavendarLady x

Gina_K profile image

Ugh! No! Can't believe it ! Ihought was a heart attack coming on (joke), might have known was the damn RA, its not hurting at moment so will mention to Consultant at visit in October. Good Grief thought ankle was bad, now carpel tunnel too, is there ever an end to this infernal disease.

As I type I think I have it in right hand too! or am I imagining it - hoho!

Naomi1 profile image

Carpal tunnel syndrome (i.e. compression of the median nerve) would affect the thumbs and the two fingers next to the thumb and the near side of the ring finger. A different nerve is being affected if you are having these symptoms in the little finger and the half of the ring finger next to the little finger. It is the ulnar nerve. I have had both sets of symptoms, sometimes separately and sometimes together. I think it is due to swelling caused by RA compressing the nerves. Mine has settled down a bit now that my RA is being treated. I hope this resolves soon.

Gina_K profile image

Thanks Naomi,

I will follow up with my doc, its not bothering me too much at the moment. Its strange the things that are going on in your body due to inflammatory process with RA, makes you think what else is happening.


Naomi1 profile image

I totally agree Gina. I have felt bombarded with symptoms affecting so many different parts of my body including the skin, swallowing, tendons, circulation, nerves, heartbeat, fatigue etc. These 'extra-articular' symptoms (i.e. outside of the joints) just goes to prove how systemic this illness is. I hope your hand symptoms feel better soon. Best wishes to you from Naomi.

lulu618 profile image
lulu618 in reply to Naomi1

Have you been checked for lupus and fibromyalgia? You seem to have a few symptoms that could very well be lupus. Ask your dr. To take blood tests for lupus and see what comes back. Good luck. Pat

Gina_K profile image

Thanks Naomi,

What does'nt kill us makes us stronger! I'm having a one day at aatime life at moment, as have quit smoking and feeling the pain in more ways than one!


Edie profile image

Its the Ulna Nerve! You need an EMG as I had and am having the surgery to relaease the nerve. Its not carpal tunnel although similiar. Its at the elbo and must be released. Everything is not always RA> good luck!

Gina_K profile image
Gina_K in reply to Edie

Thanks Edie, I think you are right, see Consultant tmaro so see what she says :)

Edie profile image
Edie in reply to Gina_K

You have to see a neuroligist who does the test. Test isnt bad and he said I have to have it done as if I dont the nerve then will weaken the fingers and the whole hand then will fold. You also will loose muscle. All the doctors kind of shrugged at this but it got so bad that I had sharp pains running down my arm. My baby finger feels now like a bee sting. They feel like when you touch the 2 left your coming off novicane. Anyway this is all on the internet..look up ulna nerve abd you will see all of the info you need. Get a referral to a neuroligist.

Gina_K profile image

Hi edie, is this caused by the Ra? Or repetitive strain? Will post later outcome of cons with Ra spec. Thanks for info, what would I do without all the help!

Have checked Internet but quite hard to refine without being more specific a lot of unchecked info out there.

Regards, Gina.

Ps. Using my daughters iPad, much easier on the hands.

Gina_K profile image


Just as a follow up to the above question, my Consultant said, if its not pins & needles tingling all the time 'not to worry' not very satisfactory!

am going to mention to GP next time see her.


urkdingright profile image

I get pins and needles all the time. I personally feel that it's caused by neurological symptoms due to my Sjogren's rather than my RA.

Jan66 profile image

Hi, just read all your comments last year about pins and needles in hands.

I now have this and it wakes me up at night, HOWEVER I now use an iPad all the time and a kindle for reading and am wondering that is causing RSI?

Anyway will check it with doc next week and will refrain from using machines for now.


in reply to Jan66

I've noticed that a lot of computer/iPad/electronics usage makes mine flare up, so I talked with my chiropractor about it. He said that we are now moving in ways we were not intended to, holding our limbs in positions they were never intended to move, and we're paying for it. He recommended hot/cold therapy, physical therapy, yoga, tai chi, massage therapy, etc. to keep my body parts/joints/etc. in alignment and keep the fluids moving. He told me that I had so much inflammation in my muscle tissues because I was so locked he didn't know how I wasn't in more pain than I was already experiencing!

He also recommended that I only get on the computer/iPad/etc. in 1-2 hour increments and then do some more stretches and exercises. He said that it would help pull the acid out of my muscles, move the lymph and other fluids around the way they are supposed to move, and generally lower the inflammation responses in my body.

He's also certified in acupuncture, which has really done wonders for my nerve inflammation!! I swear, I came out of his office the first time on "Cloud 9" I was so euphoric!! (He said that was my brain's natural response to stuff finally moving the way it's supposed to and FINALLY getting some relief!!)

emmajj1971 profile image

I have had that i just put it down to inflamation and it causing pressure on a nerve.xx

I went to a chiropractor for my symptoms and found that I had so much muscle tension and pressure that it was pushing my joints out of place in my neck, back, and left shoulder (actually causing the inflammation symptoms! Crazy right?!) It was actually pinching the nerves. He told me it was a good thing I didn't have surgery on my elbow because that wouldn't have fixed the problem--it was in my shoulder itself. The ulnar nerve actually goes from the neck, in between two bones in the shoulder, down the outside of the arm, through the elbow, and along the left side of the hand. Question: Do you use a backpack or shoulder bag? That caused my compression and irritation in my shoulder, especially with the weight of the bag pulling everything out of alignment on one side. Hope this helps--I just do the neck flexing exercises he gave me to strengthen the muscles and push things back into place, hot and cold compresses, and anti-inflammatory medication when mine flares up.

He said that he's not seeing signs of RA in my neck or back yet, but I probably have it in my ankles and feet. It's been happening for a few days now, but it's better than it was--at least I can feel my finger again and I have virtually no pins and needles feelings anymore! Oh, I love a good TENS unit! Just thought of something else --I also just recently (within the last week or so) got through an episode with respiratory allergies where I had to take a whole bunch of anti-histamines and decongestants, so I think my body is going through the whole gamut of inflammation right now. Hope this info helps and best of luck!

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