Hello everyone
I have never posted on this forum before, only in the Lupus and Fibromyalgia ones.
I just wanted to ask for a bit of general advice on your diagnosis. I have not yet had a diagnosis but have been ill all year. I have pains in my back, neck, fingers, knees, and feet. Some days are worse than others. However, I do not have any swelling or anything like that. I also constantly feel exhausted (or most of the time, maybe constantly was a slight exaggeration), but the only things that are showing in my blood is a positive ANA test. It has come back positive three times now but the more specific tests like the rheumatoid factor and the lupus antibodies are not showing up.
I just have no idea what to think. I will see the rheumy again next month and he said if i get a fourth positive ANA test and am still having symptoms, then he will possibly start me on Hydroxychloroquine. I just keep getting the feeling that he may start me on the drugs but still wont quite have enough to make a 'formal' diagnosis. This isnt TOO worrying as it is the symptoms that cause my problems, so I understand that a diagnosis is just a label in a way, but still it would be nice to know!
Just wondered if most people had difficulty getting a diagnosis, or if I really did have something like lupus or RA, would they be more pronounced by now?!?
Thank you