loosing my job due to ill health atos says otherwise - NRAS


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loosing my job due to ill health atos says otherwise

crystal1 profile image
10 Replies

officially being told have no job due to ill health. atos says im fit my oc says should have never

worked. got no entitlements cause husband works had my esa contribution bassed for a year.but want pay stamp atos says fit to work have to appeal.and they cant see it being changed even though loosing my job.

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crystal1 profile image
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10 Replies

Hi Crystal

That is a terrible state of affairs for you. Have you tried speaking to the C.A.B? They can help you with your appeal. I hope something works out for you soon.

Judy x

That is awful for you. You must appeal, as Creaky said.

Apparently 40% of appeals succeed, which just goes to show how inept the system is. And the irony is ATOS are sponsoring the Paralympics.

Good luck.

PJ68 profile image

Oh my!

I don't know what to say, I had so much trouble with my work, and had my hours cut in half because I couldn't do one aspect of my role, but I am expected to do 6 hours work in 3 hours and 40 mins - stress has been hell - Do you belong to a union? Or are you able to go to a solicitor? I did both - solicitor was appauld, but as I was a member of the union they couldn't help, but did give me advice.

I am sorry I cant be more helpful - but dont give up, either that can you look for another job that suits your condition? Thats what I am currently doing!

Good luck, and take care


Beth58 profile image

I agree with the others, you must appeal. People getting contributions based ESA and placed in the WRAG only get the benefit for a year from date of claim, which is shocking especially when people have paid into the system all their lives.

Who told you it won't be overturned? It may not be automatically overturned because you were finished on health grounds, but there may be other grounds for appeal based on worsening health or what was said in the medical report. Have you requested a copy of the medical report? If not you must ring DWP and request a copy.

As Phoebe says 40% of appeals are successful and many more don't go to appeal because people decided to claim pension credit rather than put themselves through the appeals process.

Beth x

Bev67 profile image

I hav just gone threw the same thing. I was on ESA I failed there stupid medical. I took them to tribunal my points went from zero to 15 they placed me in wrag but I'd already had my 365 days contribution based ESA so no more money as my partner works. So even tho I won my appeal. Unless your put in the higher group after 365 days your not untitled to nothing.i got a back pay the top up component but off ESA . They done this in April so 3 weeks ago I signed onto job seekers. Only way I can survive as my partners money is low. I worked all my life until I fell ill with RA then got made redundant. My meds are not helping so there unsure if I got RA now esr climbing every month. Pushed from one dr to another. An no money stress is at a high. So I feel wer your coming from. The system stinks for us. We never asked to be ill we haven't caused our illness an yet our government labels us an makes us feel like benefit cheats. If only they knew how we suffer. Untill they change the way they do benefits we fall by the wayside : ( xxx

niall451 profile image

what a terrible state of affairs,this is one of my biggest concerns,with the remploy situation why not retrain as assessors save money on atos contract and employ people who have 1st hand experience of disability obvious!

One more thought. You could write to your MP and make a fuss that way too. I have had some support in the past from my MP. And if we all made them aware, things might start to change?

Meanwhile, have you been awarded DLA as that helps and is not means tested ... yet!

bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-l... This seems to say it all.

Hi Crystal,

Regards to loosing your job why not look at the site below, I found the information useful when I was thinking of applying for Ill Health Retirement/Voluntary Severance. There is a helpline you can call. Good Luck and I hope things work out for you.


Hi Crystal

As others have mentioned, ACAS and your local CAB may be able to offer some help. The other organisation that it may be worth contacting is the Equality and Human Rights Commission: equalityhumanrights.com/ who provide advice and information.

They also have a helpline you can call on 0845 604 6610.

I hope you are able to get some help at this difficult time.

Kind regards

Sarah Kate


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