Okay who stole it then...: Yellow,'tis I... - NRAS


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Okay who stole it then...

8 Replies

Yellow,'tis I.

Despite the perky opening to this yer blog, today mainly I am looking for a bridge to go across to contemplate my lot. Ok perhaps it's not that bad, but it's bad enough.

What I am looking for is the person who "half inched" my va va voom !! ??

Hmm see, no-one knows, it just flippity happens. You are going along building on the foundations of all the good tips and advice you have been given and then phlumph, some b****r comes along and sticks a spanner in the spokes, rains on your parade and generally puts the kybosh on it all.

I can't put it down to anything in particular, and not even anything in general. Just feel like a sodditi'mstayingundertheduvet type of feeling.

My bloods be normal, my joints don't ache. I am dutifully taking the medication and doing quite well keeping to the healthy lifestyle stuff. Taking my supplements, exercising, getting some rays (when you can find them) and trying to keep positive. So whassup??

I was wined and dined on Monday (it was Bank Holiday and Mr Silageman managed to get in early enough to go out for a meal). Tuesday, I felt a bit down, probably tired because I didn't go to bed as early as I usually do.

To perk myself up, I went with the lads to market yesterday where we sold some cull ewes, fat lambs and haylage. All good news, money in the coffers.

But by last night I was feeling tired. I really didn't do much else, apart from walk around the sheep pens and sit and talk. In the afternoon I pootled out with the truck and livestock trailer and I delivered a lamb to one neighbour and delivered an invoice to another. Had a good chat and catchup on the family gossip.

Today the sun is really shining - not just pretending - so there is no reason to feel miserable.

Not only do I feel miserable, but I have blooming awful sharp stabbing pains, my arms, muscles, and calfs (calves?), and my feet are a bit stiff. Fingers a bit stiff.

So.... I am waiting for a lady to come and inspect some of our hay in the barn, she wants to take for delivery for some posh horses somewhere or other in Europe. She digs out a bit from the middle of the bale and sniffs it. If it's OK they will take 40 away on a big artic lorry bound for Dover. So fingers crossed, kerching! :-) It should cheer me up, but there is no doing it today.

I shall endeavour to persevere and keep smiling. Daughter is off to work, and Mr Silageman and son and heir will not be in now until it's dark - or even later - as we are busy trying to make more hay.

So on that note I shall take my leave and my misery with me, and make myself a cup of red bush..


Julie xx

8 Replies

Hi Julie,

Sometimes the only thing to do is to disappear under the duvet for a couple of hours and let yourself know that 'this too will pass'. The systemic effects of an autoimmune disease can leave you randomly feeling like this - sometimes my 'get up and go' has simply 'got up and gone' :-( If you roll with it, just accept it's one of 'those' days then it passes quicker than any amount of pondering, wondering or fretting will allow. The sun will still be in the sky tomorrow:-)

Sending you a cyber warm and fluffy duvet:-)

Cece x

LavendarLady profile image

Dunno mate - twern't me. Not guilty Guv. Hope you find it soon. Love LavendarLady x

Big hug Julie - before you head under the duvet as advised by all including me, from your stalker. Tilda xxxx

rest up julie and watch out for stalker/ look a likes lol xx

Sharon56 profile image

Hi Julie sorry you have been feeling down. I myself seem to be just coming out of a duvet week. Actually felt like doing something today even though I didnt sleep too well last night. So I am sure you will get your get up and go back. I didnt know and still dont know what bought my down mood on. Just allow yourself to go through it and you will appear out the other end the witty chatty Julie who always writes such great blogs. Take care.

cathie profile image

Don't you think it might be a delayed reaction? We have rather a lot to put up with so it's not surprising. I find life is quite a rollercoaster and when I spend time with friends I'm aware that I'm slower than them. And sometimes muted.

I'm trying to understand some related things about energy after my second week of tai chi and will be posting on that. Hope you feel better soon

X c

sylvi profile image

Take a pain pill and go to bed if nobody is there and wallow, it sometimes help to have a pity day. Go with the flow and go on strike until tomorrow. Your blog is very uplifting so if your feeling sorry for yourself, don't worry you made me smile. Some of your words i haven't heard in a long time.. This his short and sweet, hope you feel brighter tomorrow.

My love to you Julie


LavendarLady profile image

Hi Julie, tried to contact you via the message service but couldn't send it and couldn't find you in the directory! Can you send me a short message so I can reply? Love LavendarLady xx

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