AN EARLY NODDIE POST!!!: Hiya Well I was kinda of... - NRAS


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sciqueen profile image
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Well I was kinda of fortunate yesterday as because hubby was using lap top I could not get on and was able to sleep from about 2.30 am onwards.

Yesterday we bought a new used car. Where trading in my car (if you remember hubby wrote of his "the family car" in April/May time), for a ford kuga, which is much bigger than a fiesta, my car. the only down side is it's not automatic. I've not dirven for about a yr and now have lost confidence. I get around ok on public transport which is really good in London (I live on the outskirts of London, the other side of the M25 on the Essex side), and because I basically live in the town centre everything is accessible to me bus's, train station. So getting around is not a porblem. Just was not ready mentally to give driving up permanently. I guess I could drive a manual, but I've been driving a automatic for at least the last 10 yrs. Not keen. We'll see what will happen. If I want to go back to driving, he may have to purchase me a small automatic run around, but for now, it's ok as I don't want to drive.

By the way we pick up the car on thursday morning.

Weather is having an affect - mainly on my lower legs and knees. They are sore by the afternoon. It's more of an annoyance as its not sore enough to take pain relief, but the feeling is there most of the day, which I find annoying. Spent today hiding in the house until 5.30 when the house and back garden was cool enough for me to move round, without me being affected by the heat.

Later this evening I will be taking mtx, so I shall sleep tonite - Hopefully.

Ok that's me done. Dinner, walk the dog, mtx. That's my order for the evening.

I may C the nite noddies later, but hopefully I won't.

Have an enjoyable evening

Joanne x

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sylvi profile image

Joanne, i have started something now i haven't i. I too am hoping i can sleep,but i'm not holding out much hope after the way i have been today. Never mind i have managed to get to see the rheumy tomorrow so hopefully i will then soon start to feel better,anything that feels better than i am at the moment will be a blessing.

We get our car tomorrow,its a motorability car so it is brands new.

The weather is playing with me todayas we.. Take care love sylvi.xx

Hi Joanne. I'm heading for my bed now but just wanted to say that I'm the same when it gets hot - but here in Orkney it rarely gets that hot - maybe 22 degrees at the very tops. When I was away in Bristol 6 weeks ago it was very hot for the first day - maybe 28 or so and my fingers started to swell dramatically. Lesson in there for me staying put. Mind you I get Raynaud's now and walking the dog tonight in the evening sunshine was no exception - came home with ice cold white fingers so we can't win with the weather it seems. If you've got buses and like them I'd stick with them - cars are overrated ours keeps breaking down just now. TTxx

cathie profile image

Orkney temps are bliss to me. Im heading south today for three days caring for my dad. Heading into 30 degrees and dreading it! Will have to keep quiet and cool. Is that possible on train? Xx

And here in the sizzling US, the heat goes on! Predicted to be 92 or more today, I wish I had a conversion chart so I could speak in your Centigrade language :) Google only goes to the temps for baking I think. Anyways, 95 tomorrow, but then cooling to 85-88 on the weekend, not much "cooling"

I keep saying I absolutely cannot go through another day like this. People without AC can go to various Centers that are airconditioned, in the bigger cities. It's just that my one, through the wall, AC is located in the center of the condo, so the Living room/Dining room are fine. The cooled air does not turn corners, so the bedrooms and kitchen are beastly, especially the kitchen at 4:00 till sundown, with the sun beating right on the only window, over the sink. Well, that is where I would like to prepare meals, more than a quickly assembled sandwich! It gets so clammy, dripping sweat hot in the bedroom, where my pc is, I really can't be here in the afternoon or evening, when I can move the floor fan to direct AC air down the hall to the bedroom. Good heavens, nobody talks this long about the weather! LOL Bye, Lxx

sciqueen profile image

Hi Guys

really starting to feel ill due to the heat. It was 30c in Brentwood today. ~Soreness in feet, knees, both hands and left elbow. Was forced to take coco's. Managed to sleep during the afternoon and the soreness is gone except for my hands and in particular my left hand.

Having problems again cooling down and right now now I am beginning to sweat profusely and its 4.55pm. Have a feeling of sickness & nausea - from experience this tells me that if I fail to cool down, I am gonna end up vomitting again due to the excessive heat and the mugginess. Gp is on hols this wk.

Take care and I hope you are all fearing better with the heat than I am.

Joanne x

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