Spot the well known saying, and other stuff..... - NRAS


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Spot the well known saying, and other stuff.....

14 Replies

As a result of leaving my bedrom window open and having my arm out of the covers and up and over Mr Silageman in a loving repose, my shoulder is giving me gip again!!!

It woke me up about half an hour ago and in the words of Mr Taggart "It's Murder" (don't forget to roll the tongue)

I was a bit late going to bed - no actually I was in bed when the phone rang last night around 9 a.m. I had to sort something out on a problem we are having involving a High Court action, and it was almost 10.45 before I got back into bed. Cor what a time to start having to think about things... any road up, upshot is I am "tired as", with painful shoulder joint . I am still waiting to get my wrist injected to relieve the pain and burning in that. It only hurts when I use it. Err that's like all the time!

So here I am blogging to keep my mind off it all. It's just another day.....

I have finished the RA Ed sessions which were really really helpful. We ended up on Wednesday with a whole host of "gadgets" you can get to help you protect your joints when "doing stuff". I did notice most of it was kitchen utensils to help keep us chained to the kitchen sink!!

It was really useful for the OT team to go over the importance of looking after the joints.

Might be stating the blooping obvious here but even when you think everything has calmed down and the inflammation is under control, the RA is lurking in the undergrowth and it's best to avoid anything that might just wake it up!!

For example the hands -

I always used to believe that if I could do something then I should just do it, pain and all. But something like undoing jar tops and bottle tops and using can openers can aggravate even seemingly unaffected joints. or joints that only hurt a little bit when you use them! Because the action on the joints by the wacky immune system, via the synovial fluid, causes the tendons, ligaments and other tissue in and around the joints to stretch from the swelling. This "overtime" makes them "floppy" and can make the joint unstable. So overuse of the joints can cause a "drift" of the fingers. This is where they start going off to one side. So it is important not to struggle on, even when you are not having a flare, but be kind to yourself, and your digits and don't overuse them. If there is a gadget which makes something easier to do, use it. I should point out, unfortunately, that the older you are, the more likely this is to happen. All the young pups out there are not as prone to stretchy bits (unless of course you have very aggressive RA and there is a lot of inflammation all the time). Old age does not come alone!

There endeth the final lesson. Well it's all news to me any way.

Well that's taken my mind off me blooming shoulder, thank you for listening peeps, I am off for a cuppa now. Tara a bit

Julie xxx

14 Replies
Judi profile image

Hi Julie,

A very good explanation regarding 'drift of the hands'.

In case it is of interest to someone (and please excuse me for jumping in on your blog) I thought I might mention that I've had replacement joints (main knuckles) in my right hand because my fingers had drifted. This operation brought them back more into line and made them less painful and more usable (and of course better to look at).

I worked as a secretary at the time which obviously spelt trouble for the use of my knuckle joints.

However, the replacement joints (Swannsons) were/are worth their weight in gold ! I had them replaced back in 2003 and after 3 months was back at work. The only visible sign is a very neat scar across the back of my hand.

Hope you enjoyed your cuppa and hope your shoulder improves for you.

Judi xx

in reply to Judi

wow its nice to know the surgery is so good now.. mum had kept refusing.. things have inproved greatly

in reply to Judi

Hi Judi - Those "million dollar" replacements sound brilliant. Do you still work?

Shoulder a lot better this morning I think it was having in one "awkward" position for too long in the breeze from the window. I didn;t do much yesterday though! To my shame sometimes....

Julie xxx

Babs321 profile image

Luv your blog Julie, made me laugh in parts and told me summat I didn't know. I come under the old uns, not sure it's the RA that's given me stretchy bits many parts of me have gone so far south they're about to hit Australia.:)

Judi I never knew you could get joints replaced in your hands, my fingers get very painful and 2 weeks ago I was unable to use my left hand at all for about 4 days. This was the first time it's been so bad. We could all end up as 6 million dollar women, think only us oldies will remember that program,, what was his name??? Farah Fawsett or summat like that was in it too I think. Keep smiling babs xx

in reply to Babs321

Hi Babs - I know what you mean by the "going south" bit, everyone laughs about it but my god it's blooming scary sometimes!! :-)

Julie xx

how come your cat is looking at water.. you got a lake at the farm??

Tiasteph profile image

Hi Julie

I'm feeling your pain my love…up all night, well stayed in bed but had a awful night with my wrist, slept in my arm cast thingy (made by OT), not too comfy but does help a bit.

Today my knee has joined in :( just emailed nurse to try and get in for a drain & jab this week coming. Knew it was getting bad, now it's huge.

Back on the humira but thinking it will be a while before it kicks in. Hey ho!

Talking of drifting, not sure it's the same but my right wrist, the one giving me jip, has dropped. Assume that's from pushing it when I shouldn't have.

Apparently it's a text book example! Lol, one of the specialist's told a newby Doctor to have a look at one of my appointments.

Anyway let's hope we both get a good night tonight :)

Have a great email on honey & cinnamon if you would like? Inbox me you email & I will forward it on to you.

Tara a bit xxx

in reply to Tiasteph

Hi Steph. Well according to the OT's at my sessh on Wednesday that is it exactly with your wrist. They don't say it may never happen, but there are things you can do to stave it off for a while. Pushing yourself when the joints are a painful is not good. and if there is anything you can do to take the load off do it, basically is what they are saying.

The problem seems that when you are flaring for that time you are quite possibly fairly immobile and the muscle tone goes so quickly and the tendons are being stretched by the swelling. The internal swelling is not always commensurate (cor that was a big one!!) with what you see from the outside.

Floppy tendons and muscles mean trouble for the old joints so when you go to use them again, that's when damage can be done.

You certainly sound text book with your wrist, :-(

I did have a good night last night hope you did too.

I have PM'd you too!

Take care Julie x

actually julie. think the pic has snow?? .hope you are a little better, Julie and Steph.. im not bad but have had somedodgy blood results and some annoying drug side effects the last couple of weeks have consultant appoint aug 30th.. to review progress on the gold??!! x

in reply to

That is snow Ali. I just loved the expression on her face, she was watching the birds on the bird feeder. I would have loved to have know what she was thinking.

Let's hope you can some change in your meds soon Ali. You don't want dodgy blood test results - what are they playing at?

Take care

Julie xx

Tiasteph profile image

Thanks Alison.

Sorry to hear about your blood results. Hopefully they can change your medication & it will sort it out. x

helixhelix profile image

Good blog thanks... The whole question of being kind to joints really interest me as I'm not sure where you draw the line between using your joints so that they keep supple and retain muscle tone, and over using them? I can go all precious if asked to do ironing (far too heavy for my hands I say) but do spend hours in the can I carry on gardening when it doesn't hurt even tho' this is quite hard on the hands? Polly

in reply to helixhelix

Hi Polly - well from what I have been told I think of it as this.

The exercise concentrates on the muscles, so flexing the muscles and moving joints slowly, builds up the muscle to take the strain off the joint.

Most of the "exercises" I do are just stretching ( like the sort you do before a good work out!! Ha! those were the days!). Finger stretches are good too, ask your OT or Physio for some ideas. And yes but you see ironing is too repetitious,( and blooming boring!!!) and staying static in one place is no good on the hips and knees and ankles. Whereas gardening you can get up and move around and stuff. If possible lift things up with the palm of your hands and forearms. Sounds daft but it helps!

Take care and happy weeding! Julie xx

Cumbrian48 profile image

My shoulders were awful osteoarthritis to left injuries to right so much that sitting was very painful even even screamed when doing wrong moves injections coming in two weeks but tried Oxyseq Active cream two days after little or no pain oh joy

Used also on inside knee and right ankle no cartilage all relieved and almost pain free I'm not on commission just hope this helps someone else9

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