I'm sorry to come her and moan,I'm not generally a whinger but I'm just feeling so low.i recently had my second arthroscopic decompression which went well and after a month I went back to work.my second day back a foot came off an artic lorry driving I front of me and hit my car which was promptly taken to the garage to be repaired.2 days after that I went to lift a bag if peas from the freezer and ripped the tendon in the shoulder I've just had my op on.im now back in a sling,can't drive,can't work and back on 18pinter pain killers(they make me feel like I've drank the pints!!)
I'm so fed up and now I'm feeling completely fatigued and other should is starting to suffer cos I'm using it so much. Work above been mostly understanding but are clearly frustrated .ive just walked my 2little boys up to school and cried like a baby all the way back due to the pain and feeling like I've climbed mout Everest before I've even got there.
I'm sorry to offload but feel the need today
Not so smiley Callendar girl :((