Still feeling tired from wedding celebrations - NRAS


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Still feeling tired from wedding celebrations

6 Replies

Hi everyone,

The wedding celebrations went off brilliantly although I got myself all worked up beforehand.

I knew I was going to meet some people I haven't seen in some years and was very conscious of how much I have changed since they last saw me. I felt ashamed of my increased weight, ugly with my supportive shoes and stick and old when I couldn't get up and dance with the others.

They, of course, didn't bat an eyelid. To them I was just the same old Jude who was always good for a laugh, although one or two did ask why I was using a stick.

I hadn't realised how much my mobility had depreciated without the old standards to compare with. I obviously live too sedentary a life in Devon and have got out of the habit of 'living it up'. Pain and lack of money also contributes to this but it's quite something when an old work colleague 15 years your senior out drinks you, out dances you and out lasts you. Mind you, she was always a tad insane!

The weather held, just about, and they had a steel band playing on the terrace before the evening dancing. I now have the 'Kingston Town' tune going over and over in my head - even got my sister singing it 2 days later. I'm sure I will eventually get rid of it but, in the meantime, I can pretend i am in Jamaica.

I spent nearly all of yesterday sleeping from the aftermath of my social whirl of a fortnight. (My sister has a summer house in her garden and it was lovely to snuggle up there among the flowers). I'm still feeling pretty exhausted today and rather dreading the drive back tomorrow but I'll be pleased to be in my own bed again and keen to start my swimming regime.

Has anybody got any tips for energy pick me ups in the meantime?


6 Replies

It sounds like you had a lovely time Judy. I think we all worry how we look when meeting people we've not seen in a while whether we have ra or not. I always notice how much older people look but then I'm sure they think the same about me. I'm actually hoping a family member will have a wedding soon so I can show off my weightloss after looking like a sumo wrestler at the last big bash lol. I love swimming and try to go 3 times a week, what is your swimming regime?

Paula x

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I'm heading back to Devon today Paula and will then go to my leisure centre for my first swim (not immediately cos that would be insane).

I'm looking forward to starting a regime and hopefully gradually morphing from sumo wrestler lookalike to ballet dancer - is that asking too much?

hello judy, i found out as well that nobody really notices anything too much about me at all. I was dreading going to a funeral for all the same reasons you mentioned and apart from a sympathetic conversation from a cousin, the rest were more intreested were we lived, worked etc etc.

A bottle of lucozade used to always do wonders for me, but it has been so long that i had a social life i am unsure if they even still sell it.

Take it easy today and have a lovely rest humming the kingston town and thinking about the next big outing.

The wedding sounds magic - not surprised you've forgotten what housework is! I agree with Paula - we worry about how we look anyway & RA just makes it worse. I have some seriously horrid photos from a few weeks back - apparently my OH went away for a few days with some haggard old woman.

Glad you had a wonderful time, Christina x

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Lol, this gave me my first giggle of the day x

Pleased you had a fab time x

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