I haven't posted for a while due to health issues and medical appointments.
I am getting on well with the sleep apnea machine and according to the technician who comes to the house I have gone from 30 apnea an hour to 2 per hour.
I had to see an ENT consultant as I have had hearing problems as well as other things going on and I had to tell him that the pneumonia I had started with a sinus infection. He did some horrid tests and then sent me for scan on my sinuses. At my next appointment he told me I had a serious sinus infection and I had to take antibiotics. When I had finished those I was to have an x-ray then if the infection hadn't cleared I would need an operation.
I started the antibiotics and a couple of days later I was in agony, the area around my heels was so painful and I was quite breathless. The following day we went to a get together of expats here and I was seriously struggling. I was sure the pain was connected to the RA so I went to the pharmacy to ask if I could still take my paracetamol and codeine tablets with the antibiotics. The pharmacists then told me the pain was due to the antibiotics. It appears they cause inflamation of the tendons primarily the achilles tendon. They also cause breathlessness. I had to stop them immediately and contact the ENT specialist on the following Monday. I did this and he faxed a prescription for other antibiotics to the pharmacy and told me to contact the rheumatologist.
The rheumatologist told me that it will take three to six weeks for the tendon to heal and I must totally rest the tendons and can put ice packs on the painful area. I have an appointment with him in two weeks but I am really frustrated at the moment as we care for our grandson of 16mths and now the schools have broken up for summer we also have our grandaughter of 10yrs and grandson of seven years to care for.
The tablets I was given were called Tavanic.