Fame at last: Tuesday afternoon, sitting quietly... - NRAS


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Fame at last

LavendarLady profile image
6 Replies

Tuesday afternoon, sitting quietly working at my computer and envying Julie 55 her trip (!), when received a phone call from our local BBC radio station. Somewhat surprised I agreed to be interviewed about rural life and the effect ribbon development, farms closing down etc had on our village. At present, over the next 2 days we have the Royal Norfolk Show going on and HRH Princess Anne is visiting on Thursday. Yes I do move in exalted circles - can't avoid it when HM the Queen is a neighbour! So ended up talking about our village and the way it has changed over the years so that it is really now only a dormitory village for our local town 5 miles away. It is such a pity as it is a beautiful village going back 800 years but has been spoilt by successive developments although they have now ground to a halt (thank God) as no further land is available. Our local landowner (and formerly the feudal Lord) who is still Lord of the Manor, owns the rest of it and there is no way he is going to sell it for housing.

I have been interviewed before and often appear on the radio talking about legal matters. So I should hear myself over the next 2 days talking about the village if they decide to use the piece. I come from a farming background as my Uncle farmed 600 acres in the North with one of the premier dairy herds many years ago. Had many happy holidays up on the farm helping with the animals and first learnt to ride on the farm horse - a large cob called Peggy and my little legs stuck out over her sides. Will let you knowl

Trainee Gun Dog Berry has been an absolute nuisance over the last few days and has nearly pulled my arm out of its socket on walks! Also digging up the garden and deliberately (yes really), knocking apples off the trees. He then chews on them so hope he gets stomach ache. Older lab just looks on in astonishment at the goings on of the younger generation. Junior is going to his puppy class on Friday so will mention the pulling to them. It's amazing that he walks perfectly to heel in class but not when out with me! Feeling much better this week although the storms yesterday caused some discomfort but sun is shining today. Listening to the radio so that I hear my bit if it is broadcast. Don't live in a mansion or have a chaffeur but do have a title and am the Laird of an estate in Scotland - sorry to boast but I couldn't let Julie55 get away with it! Much love Julie. Hope you really enjoy your trip with your friends. LavendarLady.

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6 Replies

Ah thank you that's lovely. The secret is that it's not really a mansion,but Tricia is a bit dillusional from all those bleeping tablets, so we have to humour her... bless. :-) The chauffer is in fact her adoring husband, but he has the same problem of keeping her amused. It is all very tongue in cheek Lavender (I must look up your proper name).

Can we catch your interview it sounds fascinating, there are so many villages like that, including our little one here (Little Torrington). At a recent event, run by a local potter, he asked everyone who grew up in Devon (never mind the village) to put up their hands. Out of the 50 or so who attended, there were 3 who were all local farmers. A sign of the times. Like all the seaside towns and villages, full of second homes, holiday homes and such like.

Hearing you talk of your pup, I am tempted to get one myself, I miss my old doggie she was my best friend through the end of a poohy marriage, a divorce and a time living on my own and used to go everywhere with me. Sounds like he has you wrapped round his little finger - monkey.

We didn't have any thunder here at all yesterday, but as we speak it is once again chucking it down and causing ructions around here because we have 50 acres down at the moment - hoping to make hay - or maybe not! I shall be leaving them to it.

So thank you for your good wishes, and I hope to goodness I make it because I have not travelled this far on my own since my diagnosis. Speak later

Take care

Julie xx

LavendarLady profile image

Hi Julie, have a lovely time but take it easy on the journey. You'll be fine. Allow time for stops to rest and have a walk round - I do find my shoulders get very tense and then the screws start. Also I need to stretch my legs as well. Give yourself plenty of time to make the journey.

Don't know when my interview is put out on BBC Radio Norfolk (if it ever is) but they are broadcasting today (Wednesday) and Thursday from the showground.

Like your neck of the woods, we suffer from second home owners, weekenders etc who do contribute to the economy but not much else. You have probably heard of Chelsea on Sea (actually Burnham Market - a lovely village near the North coast) where all the 4 x 4s are pristine and have never seen mud and are only used for the school run in London. You should see mine - muddy, birds have dropped on it, dog blankets,, wellies etc - you get the picture. In other words a working vehicle.

I suppose Himself is my chauffeur or I am his - gets confusing. I am not a Norfolk lass - I was born in Bucks where my father was stationed at RAF Halton but my father's family originates from the Border country where we used to rustle cattle backwards and forwards in the days when men were men and women were glad of it! Mother's family came from Bristol, one of the members of a well known chocolate family.

Sorry to hear about your troubles - do get a pup - they are such great company. Berry is lying at my feet at present and is never far from me - I call him my shadow. Older lab goes to work with Himself. I think to get a rest from pup!

Hope the haymaking goes ok - it is such a worry with the rain. I come from a farming background as my uncle farmed 600 acres in the North with one of the premier dairy herds some years ago and we spent many happy hours during the holidays helping with the animals , haymaking, stooking etc and I learnt to ride aged 4 on the back of the farm horse Peggy where my little legs stuck out at the sides! It's a grand life. Love LavendarLady x

LavendarLady profile image

Just realised I have repeated myself in the last comment. Must be a sign of age! Or tiredness or just general ennui. Sorry. LavendarLady.

juliep profile image

How cool to talk to someone famous. Can we have an autograph. Sounds very interesting. Im also from norfolk but im near norwich so dont know your area but it sounds lovely. Jules xx

LavendarLady profile image

Hi Jules. Don't give autographs any more - find they make my wrist ache too much. got fed up with being constantly stopped in the street as well! (Only joking - although with my work I was recognised a lot). Are you near Norwich or over on the eastern half? I don't know the East very well but been to Yarmouth for the horse racing and also on the Broads. going to Horning on Sunday for a jazz cruise on the broad. Should be fun.

Love Norwich - used to work there and did go to the beautiful cathedral about 3 years ago for a concert for Help for Heroes hosted by General Sir Richard Dannett and the late great and lovely Roy Waller who was still Sheriff of Norwich at the time and turned up in his robes. Met Roy many times - a delightful and much missed broadcaster.

West Norfolk is gorgeous with rolling and gentle hilly countryside and, of course, the sea is never far away - it even comes over from time to time and then we flood! LavendarLady xx

LavendarLady profile image

If my piece was broadcast I did not hear it. Out Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning so either missed it or they did not put it out. Story of my life! LavendarLady

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