The Pill...: I've had my nose in a book today, hence... - NRAS


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The Pill...

Mel_ profile image
16 Replies

I've had my nose in a book today, hence the questions, and have read that often women that have been on the pill long term have a higher chance of not developing RA; this is apparently due to the changes in hormones. This may be a silly question but would going on the pill once someone has got RA not reduce the rate at which it develops? Any comments would be welcomed.

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16 Replies

hmm the pill ie microgyon when younger(combined pill) and progesterone only or mini pill more for heavy peroids now im older didnt stop me getting ra.. had the mirena progesterone coil for a while too.. there is some evidence that in some people pregnancy can trigger the disease.. and in others it boots the disease into remission but only during pregnancy.. the milk producer prolactin then re triggers ra again.

There is some evidence that the menopause may be problematic? this is not proven but a strong possiblity of worsening symptons in the arthritis related auto imune disease lupus

soI think you book is referring to hormone effect on ra?? ands as someone who took some form of the pill for about 20 years in afraid in my case no ! but when diagnosed had moved to the mini pill! it is important for a young person like yourself who is possibly taking methotrexate?.. takes effective pregnancy precautions.. so give the combined pill a try.. usually suitable for non smokers normal weight range up to 35-39 years of age

Hi Mel. I only took the pill for a few years,then started to try for a baby. After a few years of endless tests and explorations was told I was unable to have children but they couldn't give me an obvious reason. We then decided to try for IVF, on doing this my body was put through a forced menopause in order for them to retrieve the eggs etc. Although the IVF never worked I did conceive naturally in the end but then developed RA. Since the RA started many doctors and specialists have said that putting my body through an early menopause the way it did and messing up my hormones it could have contributed to my RA starting.

I have also met many women who have developed RA when going through the menopause, some believe there is a link others don't.

It's much the same as when I was pregnant my RA raged through my body and went completely out of control after giving birth, normally women with RA experience a remission through pregnancy.

I don't think enough research as been done on this part of RA.

Take care

Mandy xx

Mel_ profile image
Mel_ in reply to

Blimey it really sounds as though you have been through it. I fiind this most interesting and wounder if any papers have been written on the subject, i'm sure there must have been. If I find anything I'll post it on HU. Regards Mel

thnking laterally even though research hasnt been done/ proven.. menopause... drop in oestrogen levels// A lot of things are hormone dependent.. eg there are hormone sensitive breast cancers .. to try and treat these the drugs used block oestrogen receptors...

god I wish I was still in reasearch still.. originally studied chemistry.. and worked in research labs.. . my original fantasy was to do something remarkable like cure cancer.. but ending up doing x-ray diffraction analysis on the powders found in your salbutamol(ventolin type ) inhalers etc... or developing new drinks..

started a sideways move career wise in later life after divorce to pharmacy...

Mel_ profile image
Mel_ in reply to

...this is really interesting. I had a lot of problems when I was younger and everytime I was due a period I would develope the most horrible rash and swelling all over my body; tongue, lips, eyes swelling up like I had a reaction to something, it looks like mumps. It was suggested, but never proven, that this was due to my oestrogen levels being too high. I was put on the pill in the end to try and control this, which seemed to work. It would be interesting to try and find out more on the connection of hormones and RA. Mel

Gina_K profile image
Gina_K in reply to

ah drop in oestrogen levels, that be a very likely trigger me thinks! Ventolin inhalers - I also am that soldier!

Plenty of time Al, you can still do research, anything is possible.


too old! and RA knckered for that now !

Anyway im better today

went out with another "disabled" friend to listen to a band sat nite ( had huge afternoon nap first) I havent been out for ages.. she had major stroke.. burst blood vessel in late 30s/ early 40s and has battled back.. she uses sticks but for balance.. she has had most movement back , speech wasnt affected.. but almost total paralysis for a while.. in % she hasnt 100% in any limb. but like ra sufferers. if our % was measured it woulsnt be a 100% depending on illness severity. she and I even had a dance each other was supporting and a friend of hers married male carer danced with us.. the pub had big poles as roof supports so we did an mended form of pole dancing too.. I struggle with feet and ankles and she struggles with vertigo/ balance type issues since the stroke but she is amazing

Tiasteph profile image

Hormones are my thing at the mo! I have just read an amazing American book, Ageless by Suzanne Somers on hormones.

Having enough hormones & a balance are paramount to good health, according to this author. The bio-identical hormones that she recommends are all natural.

I am in the middle of having saliva tests done privately. I'm open to anything natural & embrace every chance of hopefully feeling better.

Bio-identical ormones are huge in the States.

I have a feeling mine are way out!

Keep you posted :)

Mel_ profile image
Mel_ in reply to Tiasteph

Thanks for this reply and the one about food. What will the salivia test show (or not) what is it you hope to gain by having this done. Your reply about food gave me food for thought (excuse the pun!) I'm going to have a read up on this as it sounds very interesting, problem is I do love my food! Thanks again. Regards Mel

Tiasteph profile image
Tiasteph in reply to Mel_

It's a hormone panel, which will show if I am out of balance. I'm sure I will be, my cousin has already told me I have adrenal fatigue. Due to having & coping with the RA & taking meds.

Anyway I'm hoping to gain, a miracle, lol, no, I will then (funds permitting) try & balance my hormones & feel much better.

As you can probably tell, I'm a great believer in alternative medicine. I'm on humira, but feel that it's complimented by my healthy lifestyle, well, I know for a fact that it is from how I feel.

I love my food too Mel, but when you do the diet, get the results & feel better you will find it much easier…promise :)

bpeal1 profile image

I got RA about 9 -12 months after the birth of my first child. Which my consultant said was a very common time for younger women to get it.

Mel_ profile image
Mel_ in reply to bpeal1

...same for me, as if life is not hard enough having a new born baby and then one gets this. It seems to be a common story from the younger RA suffers, but obviously not the only trigger. It took about a year to really get hold of me though so I was able to do most things with my first born. Second baby was a different story my body was in a real state and minor jobs such a changing a nappy or having a hug hurt so much; but their worth it!

rheumatoidymummy profile image

My RA really started with a vengeance after the birth of my second child - within a few days of his birth I could hardly walk. I was tested for RA while I was pregnant with him after one of my knuckles inexplicably swelled up when I was 7 weeks gone and was told I was Rheumatoid Factor positive but then nothing else happened while I was pregnant until after he was born when all my joints went crazy. It was suggested to me that when pregnant my immune system was depressed to stop my body rejecting the baby and then after he was born instead of returning to normal it went into hyperdrive and brought on the RA. With hindsight I can recall I had a few joint problems after my first child was born but they were quite varied and random so no-one joined the dots until much later. After Ihad my first I had a touch of PND so maybe I am prone to the effects of crazy hormonal swings!

Interesting question,

my experience which puzzles me is that although my first signs of hit just when I became pregnant, then went into complete remisson for 4 months, when I was 7 months gone it came back..... the night before I went into labour I was in a lot of pain, then the next morning when labour started, all my symptoms went completely and this lasted for 3 weeks and I thought woohoo all better now!

I'm certain there is a hormone link but can't quite work it out.

I have read this also (being on pill and reducing RA risk) I have not taken the pill for many years however I have to go on it now in order to get Enbrel, if there is to be an improvement with Enbrel who knows if me going on the pill as same time hasn't helped.....

hard to say.. maybe in my case it hid my symptons./ delayed for many years??

any way young ladies with or out babies.. in child producing years on RA medication efffective contraception is a must am sure you all know this!! no egg sucking allowed unless julie-55 free range eggs.. cooked not raw...

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