Morning you lovely people
I'm having my first rituximab infusion this morning .Im really banking on this working as all else has failed .sulph, metho, hydox,Simponi biologic .
I have been off work for 5 months now after contracting shingles in March .The clock is ticking re work as its coming up to the 6 month timescale .I shan't be getting paid after this month and if I can't get this dreadful condition under control I know they will eventually terminate my contract .Thats pants ! 20 years doing the job I love I will have to do a hands up and admit defeat
I'm 53 and feel I'm too young to not work .little did I know 2 years ago when first diagnosed I would be here so quickly my denial I just thought I'd take a pill and I would be one of the lucky ones and life would be normal again and I wouldn't have to think about it .How naive was I ???
I know this drug works well with people that test positive ccp and RA so I'm really hopeful .Maybe just maybe I will get my life back
Forever hopeful