Anyone suffer from dizziness or weird loss of balance? - NRAS


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Anyone suffer from dizziness or weird loss of balance?

Tissee profile image
11 Replies

Am on MTX also Rituximab. Also I get strange tingly sensations round my nose and top lip area sometimes, like little ants running around.

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Tissee profile image
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11 Replies

Someone else new to MTX asked this too the other week? Look it up I think it was Luckysjoy? Tilda x

I had this when I took naproxen and now with any nsaid, one of the side effects, are you taking any?

Was really horrible :(

Beth58 profile image

Dizziness and loss of balance can also be caused by: inner ear infection and a drop in Blood pressure. If you have no ear symptoms next visit to your doctor ask him/her to check you BP incase you have low pressure.

Beth x

Tissee profile image

Hi thanks everyone.

I only really take paracetamol and very occasionally, co dydramol. My blood pressure is low. I shall certainly mention it to GP. I thought it might be Rituximab side effects. But last night I was really bad with horrible balance probs so much so that my daughter phoned 999. They didn't think it merited a visit but I must admit I thought I was having a mini stroke. I rang my surgery hoping to speak to a doc, the receptionist said she'd get one to call. That was eight hours ago. :(

If you are still bad find the phone number for your out of hours service or get some one to take you to your local a and e department x

kaz7 profile image

i had loss of balance when i was on Rituuximub and loads of other side effects which all disappeared when i came off it now on m t x amd Sulfazalazine and feel much better

Tinwoman2 profile image

I get dizzy sometimes when I start going down stairs, so I hold on to the rail for the first couple of steps, then I'm Ok. Almost all of my meds list dizziness as a symptom.


Bevers profile image

I spoke with my GP yesterday because I suffer from this and he said its your brain saying it wants the oxygenated blood and it cuts down the blood and oxygen to other parts and wam you go to the floor. This maybe me up he said that you need a paper bag and to breath into it and back in the breath you just sent out, it gets the carbon dioxide levels up and you stay upright. Now anyone know where you get paper bags, a vanishing breed!

P.S. No plastic in them please I am not being responsible for accidents! haha

Victoria-NRAS profile image

Hi Tissee

I think even if something's listed as a side-effect you never know for certain that it is, so always best to see your GP about this sort of thing, and if they say they will call and they don't you need to follow it up, as no point waiting if it seems like they've forgotten. Hope you get to the bottom of it soon.

Kind regards


(NRAS helpline)

Tissee profile image

Thanks all. Finally saw GP and she basically said it was an inner ear thing. Something to do with small crystals moving around...she said it was probably a one off event even though I remembered having it recently, if only for a minute or so.

So, we'll see. I asked her to give me something for it, just in case. It would be scary if it happened and I was out somewhere on my own. Let's face it we've all got enough things to worry about!

T x

cofdrop-UK profile image

Yeah Tissee I get virtigo and it's very scary. I was referred to the hopsital and as you say it is to do the with crytals in the inner ear. They gave me excercises to do which make you dizzy!!!!!! Well I live on my own and the last thing I wanted to do was make myself even more dizzy. I have to do posutral draining for my lungs and it was very difficult, although they said try 'cos it's more important your lungs are clear. They don't really like to give you drugs because it slows down the crystals righting themselves. However I always have a supply, not that I use them unless it is very severe like the room moving and falling around just as if you were p*******.

I hope this settles down for you Tissee. As you say you have enough to cope with.


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