Numb feeling in hips and.......: right hand, its like a... - NRAS


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Numb feeling in hips and.......

4 Replies

right hand, its like a tingling sensation that lasts.

When I walk only a short distance my hip feels terribly numb,and tingly- I have to press on it, which does nothing.

I have a Rheumy appointment tomorrow, so should I say anything. My OT reckons I have Carpal Tunnel in my right wrist, and another Dr, reckons I have Fibromyalgia..

Not having a very good time at the mo- it all seem to be on my right side- the hand, hip, knee, and my lower back. Can anyone please advise before my appointment tomorrow.

Thanks (in advance)- Caroline

4 Replies
sylvi profile image

Yes it could be fibro, I have both ra/fibro and sometimes its hard to know which is which. My ra started all down my right as well,though now i'm off mtx for the time being,i am getting pain in all my joints. Just goes to show how good the mtx was. sylvi.xx

artyone profile image

Morning yes you should tell them. I like last post has ra and firo i am having troule with my left hand think it carpel tunnel . I am having prolem with my hips, going to post aout it , I get a feeling of fibration in groin it is driving me mad. like i have my phone in my pocket. horrible.

good luck tell them everything x

Hi reikimaster

As the others have mentioned it is always worth discussing new or unusual symptoms with your rheumatologist if you are concerned.

I hope your appointment goes well.

King regards

Sarah Kate

NRAS Helpline

Thanks for your comments-

Just to update you, I went to my appointment on Thursday told my consultant what the problems were- I had also written down a list for her- cos I write how my RA is daily usually (sad arnt I) as I also have thyroid issues that mimic the same kind of symptoms-

When I gave her my shopping list she did a DAS score she said I could not have anymore Depo injections- and I have got to have more x-rays to my feet and hands.

As I also take meds for my thyroid which are not usually prescribed often= plus im on a high dose (which my endo is reducing gradually) my rheum cnst does not wish to diagnose anything til my scan has been done- I am also having a bone density scan done.

She would not comment on my right hand side she said the leflunomide and hydroxy are working cos my blood test show no inflammation??????? So why do I feel it?????

I felt like I was not taken seriously.

which is annoying and to top it all full of cold which I cannot shake off. my nose is running faster than a blooming waterfall, my eyes are running and my voice is like a 40 a day smoker. and I feel rubbish.

There, ive had my moan ;-)

Thank you for listerning x

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